Book Your Travel - Online Booking WordPress Theme Documentation

Welcome! This is a how-to guide with helpful information about theme installation, capabilities, features and options.

WordPress information

Before you get started, please be sure to always check out these documentation files. To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed and configured on your machine or server. For a detailed guide on installing WordPress, please visit the WordPress Codex installation documentation. Below are all the useful links for WordPress information.

Minimum requirements

To use Book Your Travel, please make sure you are running the latest WordPress, PHP, and MySQL version.

WordPress recommends PHP 7.4 or higher. Other PHP versions have reached the end of their life cycle and may expose your site to security vulnerabilities. There is a significant reason to no longer use old PHP versions, always update to the latest versions.

  • Check to ensure that your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
  • Always make sure they are running the latest version of WordPress.
  • You can download the latest release of WordPress from the official WordPress website.
  • Always create secure passwords for FTP and Database.

Recommended PHP Configuration Limits

Many issues that you may run into such as: white screen, your demo import fails or other similar issues are all related to low PHP configuration limits. The solution is to increase the PHP limits. You can do this on your own, or contact your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:

  • max_execution_time 300
  • memory_limit 512M
  • post_max_size 256M
  • upload_max_filesize 128M


When purchasing Book Your Travel from ThemeForest, you have two licensing options. The Regular License, and the Extended License. To learn more about what each License is for and which one to purchase, continue reading below.

Click Here To View License Information Buy Another Book Your Travel license!

Common Questions

1. If I need to use Book Your Travel on a second site, do I need a second license?
Yes. One purchase of Book Your Travel allows you to use the theme on one finished site. If you need to use it on a second site, it requires you to make a second license purchase.

2. Can I use Book Your Travel on a test site, then move it to a live site when finished?
Yes, you can. You can keep the theme on a test site to build it, then move it to the live site once you’re finished.

3. Can I keep a test site and a live site with one Regular License purchase?
According to the licensing rules set by Envato, this is not allowed. If it is installed in two places permanently, then it requires two licenses.

Item Support

All of our items come with 6 months of included support and free lifetime updates for your theme. Once the 6 months of included support is up, you have the opportunity to extend support coverage for 6 or 12 months further. If you choose to not extend your support, you will still be able to submit bug reports via item comments and still have access to our online documentation and theme updates.

Envato clarifies item support here

We have an advanced, secure ticket system to handle your requests. Support is limited to questions regarding the theme’s features or problems with the theme. We are not able to provide support for code customizations or third-party plugins. If you need help with anything other than minor customizations of your theme, we suggest enlisting the help of a developer.

How To Renew or Extend Support

Item Support

You are eligible to renew or extend your support subscription if you have less than 6 months support remaining and the author is still supporting the item. The cost of purchasing support can vary according to the different periods of your subscription. For example, extending your support subscription while it’s still active costs less than renewing it when it has expired. To learn more about this, please read Envato’s ‘Extending and Renewing Item Support’ article.

  • Login to your ThemeForest account and go to the Downloads tab.
  • Locate your Book Your Travel purchase. On there, you’ll see how many months of support you have remaining, and beside it there’s an ‘Extend Now’ link.
  • Click the ‘Extend Now’ link, and it will redirect you to the Book Your Travel Theme’s item page.
  • On the right hand side, click the ‘Extend Now and Save’ button.
  • Once you click the ‘Extend Now and Save’ button, you’ll be redirected to the checkout page. Confirm your payment details and follow the on screen prompts to finish purchasing the extension.

What Will Happen If I Do Not Renew The Item Support?

The only thing that changes is that you will not be granted access to hands on support. You will however continue to receive theme updates that contain bug fixes, patches and new features and access to our online documentation, help files, and public tickets.

When Can I Renew The Item Support?

There are 3 scenarios for when you can extend or renew item support; At the time of purchase, during your support period, and after your item support has expired.

  • Support Upgrade: At the time of purchasing the item. This will cost 37.5% of the item price.
  • Support Extension: Extend item support before it expires. This will cost 62.5% of the item price.
  • Support Renewal: Renew item support once it has expired. This will cost 82.5% of the item price.

Envato purchase code

Envato provides you with a purchase code for each item you purchase. Please read below for instructions on how to download your purchase code.

  • Login to your ThemeForest account and go to the Downloads tab.
  • Locate your Book Your Travel purchase in the list of items you have bought.
  • Click the “Download” button to activate the dropdown menu.
  • Select to download the license certificate and purchase code as a PDF or Text file. Open the file to find the purchase code. Example Purchase Code: 91d36x28-ddd5-4q70-a109-c9wc8aac6a16
Envato purchase code


Book Your Travel - Online Booking WordPress Theme is a the #1 selling Premium WordPress theme for every travel agency, tour & cruise operators, hotels, villas, apartments, resorts, rent a car and others working in tourism.

A fully translatable theme, Book Your Travel boasts features such as a powerful and completely integrated booking system, an availability checker, advanced search filtering, front-end management for partners, review system and much more.

Theme Installation

With your purchase of this theme, the first step is to download the package from ThemeForest. Move your mouse over your ThemeForest Login name in the right top corner and click Download. You will see the number of items purchased, along with the package’s content, as shown in the following diagrams.

Next, click Download > All files & documentation next to the Book Your Travel theme and save the package on your computer.

The download includes documentation, license, sample content and zipped file with the Book Your Travel WordPress theme. Unpack the entire package after downloading.

Download from ThemeForest

Uploading your theme

Before you can complete the installation, make certain you have unpacked the entire package. You can complete the installation in either of two ways:

Upload via FTP:
  • Firstly, unzip the zip file you downloaded from ThemeForest to a directory on your computer.
  • Locate an archive named Book Your which is your installable WordPress theme file.
  • Unzip this archive and upload the Book Your Travel folder to your server via ftp to the /wp-content/themes/ directory inside your Wordpress installation.
  • Go to Admin > Appearance > Themes and activate the newly installed theme.

Installation via WordPress
How To Install Book Your Travel via WordPress
  • Navigate to Admin > Appearance > Themes.
  • Click the Add New button on top of the page, then the Upload Theme button.
  • Click Choose File and find the theme files you’ve just downloaded.

    If you’ve downloaded the installable WordPress file, then you do not need to unzip the file.

    If you’ve downloaded All files and documentation, you have to unzip the master Book Your file, therein you will see a secondary file, this is the one you select to install.
  • Once the file has uploaded, go to Admin > Appearance > Themes and click the Activate button.
  • Once you activate the theme, you’ll find a prompt to install required plugins which we will cover in the next chapter.

“Are You Sure You Want To Do This? / The link you followed has expired.”

If you get this message when installing the theme via WordPress, it means you have an upload file size limit that is set by your host. If this happens, please install the theme via FTP or contact your hosting company and ask them to increase the limit.

Plugin activation

After theme activation a prompt to install required plugins will appear in your dashboard. If you have dismissed the notice you can access the page by navigating to Admin > Appearance > Install Plugins.

Included plugins are Premium Plugins that are bundled with the theme purchase and do not require additional licensing in order to use them with the theme, even though some ask for activation with a purchase code (Slider Revolution for example).

Installing and activating any of the recommended plugins is optional, however it is recommended that you first install and activate these plugins before starting the sample content import. That will ensure the demo content for that plugin is imported.

Importing the demo content


It is recommended to do the 1 click import on fresh installations only. In order to quickly clean up your WordPress installation, use a reset plugin.
It is advised against running the 1 click import on live (production) site. It is best to do this on a test environment.

Please note that one click import can take a while, so be patient and allow it 5 - 15 minutes to do its job.


Please note the import tool will have a limited functionality if you have renamed your theme to something other than "BookYourTravel".

  • Install and activate the Book Your Travel theme and all recommended plugins before you import demo content
  • Set up your desired image sizes via Settings > Media. If you keep the default WordPress thumbnail sizes, they will upload really small. Make sure to also enable "Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions" - this will ensure that all of your thumbnails will be the same size.
  • Go to Appearance > Import Demo Data and select the demo you wish to import and click the Import button.
  • From the SampleData\MenuThemes folder, open the appropriate menu theme in Notepad (or a similar text editor) then go to Mega Menu > Menu Themes and click the import button:

    Import menu theme

    Then copy/paste the content to the Import Theme field. Click the Import theme button.

    Import menu theme
  • Go to Appearance > Menus to the menu theme you have just imported for the Primary menu. Save settings.

    set menu

Mixing styles + If 1 click import fails or if there are parts missing (styles for example)

Manual Import

If you want to apply only styles of a specific demo website, without loading the content, manual import is the way to do it. Manual import is also useful when you are unable to run the entire one click import due to too low php limits on your server or some other reason, but there is no need to worry, you can still get it all by following these steps:

  • Go to Appearance > Import Demo Data.
  • Click the Switch to manual import!
  • You will be presented a new screen from where you can manually import content, widgets and customizer styles. You can find these files inside the SampleData folder.

First steps

After the import is complete you should have all the posts, pages and custom posts from the demo.

There are certain things the importer tool can not do, so make sure you do the following:

  • Go to Appearance > Theme Options to setup your theme options and slugs for custom post types. Save settings.
  • Go to Settings > Reading and under "Front page displays" select A static page and select your home and blog pages. Save settings.

    Set up home page
  • Go to Settings > Permalinks and configure your permalinks structure (Select Post name). Save settings.

Please note that availability and prices from the demo are not included in the SampleData - doing so would be a waste of your database space.

General settings

In Appearance > Theme Options > General Settings, you can set your company information. This information is used to automatically generate content on the contact page.

Configuration settings

In Appearance > Theme Options > Configuration settings you will find various settings.

Google API key
1. Google Maps API key

Since June 2018, Google platforms require an API key, which clients must obtain on their own (this is an envato requirement) in order to be able to use these features.

To get the Google Maps API key proceed to this website and click the Get started button. Once you have the key, simply copy/paste it into the first field.

If you do not intend to show Google maps on your website, you can skip this step.

2. Google fonts API key

In order to enable google fonts inside the Live Customizer, google fonts API key must be created.
To get a key go to this website, locate "Acquiring and using an API key" section and click on Get a key button.

3. Google reCaptcha API v2 key pair

The key pair consists of a site key and secret key. The site key is used to invoke reCAPTCHA service on your site. The secret key authorizes communication between your application backend and the reCAPTCHA server to verify the user's response.

To get the Google reCaptcha API v2 key pair proceed to this website and create your reCaptcha. Once you have the key pair, simply copy/paste the information into the second/third field.

If you do not intend to use Google reCaptcha on your website, you can skip this step.

Pause between slides of single lightSlider gallery
3. Pause between slides of single lightSlider gallery

If you are using the gallery display on single accommodation, car rental, cruise, tour and/or location pages, you can adjust the pause between the slides of the gallery slider here.

Price decimal places and currency settings
4. Price decimal places

Choose the number of digits to appear after the decimal separator. If you are using WooCommerce shop, make sure to set the currency up via WooCommerce > Settings > General > Currency Options too.

5.Default currency symbol

Set default currency symbol to be used throughout the website. If you are using WooCommerce shop, make sure to set the currency up via WooCommerce > Settings > General > Currency Options too.

6. Show currency symbol after price?

Choose whether the currency symbol is placed to the left or right of the price. If you are using WooCommerce shop, make sure to set the currency up via WooCommerce > Settings > General > Currency Options too.

Enable RTL
7. Enable RTL

Enable RTL text direction throughout the website for RTL languages such as Hebrew, Persian and Arabic.

Enable GDPR fields
8. Enable GDPR fields

Enable this setting to add the standard checkbox agreement field to contact, reservation, inquiry and reservation forms for compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation.

9. Internal GDPR fields settings

Always required: This checkbox will always be required, and there is no setting option to remove the requirement
No option to check by default: GDPR requires that a consent box can not be checked by default. Instead, the user must be allowed to choose whether to check the box.
Only a single checkbox: There is no way to add additional checkbox options to this field.

Iconic Features Widget classes
10. Iconic Features Widget classes

This is a list of icon classes that are used in the Iconic Features Widget and in the Iconic Features WPBakery block. By default, Material Icons are used that are created and maintained by Google. They are used as a web font which is the best format for websites.

If you would like to use your own icons instead, you can add them here. You can also delete the existing icons altogeter and replace them with your own.

Please note that you can only list css classes here, which means that you would also need to provide/create a css stylesheet for them as-well. To do so, you can either use the provided child theme or place your custom css code to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS field.

Booking calendar layout
11+12. Booking calendar layout

Here you can set how would you like to display your availability calendars on single accommodation, car rental, cruise and/or tour pages.

Number of rows in the booking calendar sets the vertical layout for the availability calendar. It sets how many rows do you want to display.

Number of months per row in the booking calendar sets the horizontal layout for the availability calendar. It sets how many calendar months do you want display per each row.

The example in the image on the right would show 6 months. There would be 2 rows and in each row there would be 3 months.

Search settings

In Appearance > Theme Options > Search settings you can adjust settings related to the search functionality.

Search settings
1. Search only available properties

Indicate whether search results display all results or only the ones with that are available during the dates the user has chosen.

2. Custom search results default view

Set whether the default search result display is grid or list view.

3. Search results posts per page

Set how many search results do you want to display per page.

4. Price range bottom

Bottom value of price range used in search form, meaning at what price the price filter should start at.

5. Price range increment

Increment value of price range used in search form.

6. Price range increment count

Increment count of price range used in search form, meaning how many different price filter options the filter shows.

The settings shown on the right would result in a following search filter:

0 - 49
50 - 99
100 - 149
150 - 199
200 +

Page settings

In Appearance > Theme Options > Page settings you will find various settings related to pages.

Page settings
1. Terms and conditions page

Select the page where you display website's terms and conditions here.

2. Publish frontend submitted content immediately?

If using the marketplace features, do you want the user created content be published automatically or do you want to hold it for review?

3+. Taxonomy pages

Taxonomy pages are the automatically generated accommodation type, accommodation tag, room type, car rental type, car rental tag, cruise type, cruise tag, cruise cabin type, tour type, tour tag, location type, location tag, extra item, facility and single review pages.

If you decide to add such links to your menus and when a visitor clicks on a hyperlink to category, tag or custom taxonomy, WordPress displays a page of posts that belong to this content.

Here you can adjust the display of these pages as-well as the display of items on these pages.

Post types

Post types

In Appearance > Theme Options > Post types you can easily enable/disable custom post types.

Accommodations post type

Tours post type

Car rentals post type

Cruises post type

Reviews post type

Extra items post type

Enable payment processing

In Appearance > Theme Options > WooCommerce integration you can connect the Book Your Travel theme with the WooCommerce plugin in order to enable user checkout with online payment processing.

Enable payment processing

Please make sure to install and activate the WooCommerce plugin first. To check if the plugin is already installed, go to Admin > Plugins. If not, go to Appearance > Install Plugins and install it.

1. Use WooCommerce for checkout

Enable the use WooCommerce for payment processing of bookings.

Please make sure to configure WooCommerce cart and checkout pages in order for this to work. To tell WooCommerce what pages to use for Cart and Checkout go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced. If you skipped the WooCommerce Setup Wizard or want to install missing WooCommerce pages, go to WooCommerce > Status > Tools and use the page installer tool in order to create these pages.

2. Completed order WooCommerce statuses

This locks the date(s) in order to prevent double booking. For example, if you select only "completed" it will lock only the dates that the user actually completed the payment for. More information on WooCommerce order statuses can be found here.

3. WooCommerce pages sidebar position

Select the position (if any) of sidebars to appear on all WooCommerce-specific pages of your website.


Please make sure to enable "Anyone can register" on your website via Admin > Settings > General

User login & register

Book Your Travel provides you with custom user login, registration and password reset pages. To make use of them follow these steps:

  • Go to Pages > Add new
  • Select the login/register/reset password page template from the Page attributes box and Publish the page.

User login

Additional Settings

Login extra information

Override login

Once your page is published, whilst still in your admin dashboard, scroll down to the Extra information panel:

  1. Is partner login page? should be DISABLED for the regular user login,
  2. Use Google reCaptcha on this page? will add reCaptcha to the form for improved website protection.
  3. Redirect to after login override? here you can select to what page users will be redirected to after they login.

The same settings (except redirect) are also available for the Register page template and Reset password page template.

User account management

USER account page

The user account page allows users to view and edit their personal details: name, surname, e-mail address and password. For GDPR compliancy, they can also request export of their data and request account deletion. These buttons send a notification to the website administrator in order to perform these actions.

To create a user account page go to Pages > Add new and select the User account page as the page template from the Page attributes box.

USER bookings page

User content list page

User bookings page

To create a page that will show past bookings of a user, go to Pages > Add new and select the User content list as the page template from the Page attributes box.

Once you publish the page, scroll down to the Extra information panel and select the content you would like to show here:

Accommodation bookings - will display a list of all user accoommodation bookings
Car rental bookings - will display a list of all user car rental bookings
Cruise bookings - will display a list of all user cruise bookings
Tour bookings - will display a list of all user tour bookings

USER reviews page

To create a page that will show past user reviews, go to Pages > Add new and select the User content list as the page template from the Page attributes box.

Once you publish the page, scroll down to the Extra information panel and select the content you would like to show here, which in this case is Reviews.

For instructions for building a menu on the user pages, please go here.

User login

Partner login & register

A separate area for partners is provided. Users, who register via the registration page for partners, get a special BYT Frontend Submit Role that allows them to access the partner area where they can submit and manage their content (accommodations, tours, car rentals, cruises, availability, bookings and so on).

The first basic pages are the partner login, registration and password reset pages. To make use of them follow these steps:

  • Go to Pages > Add new
  • Select the login/register/reset password page template from the Page attributes box and Publish the page

Additional Settings

Login extra information

Override login

Once your page is published, whilst still in your admin dashboard, scroll down to the Extra information panel:

  1. Is partner login page? should be ENABLED for the partner login
  2. Use Google reCaptcha on this page? will add reCaptcha to the form for improved website protection.
  3. Redirect to after login override? here you can select to what pages users will be redirected to after they login.

The same settings (except redirect) are also available for the Register page template and Reset password page template.

Partner listings submission

Submit Content Page Template

Content type

For creating pages for partners to use to submit their content, follow these steps:

  • Go to Pages > Add new
  • Select the User Submit Content page template from the Page attributes box and Publish the page

Once you publish the page, scroll down to the Extra information panel and select the content you would like to show here:


Room types - enables creation of room types
Accommodations - enables creation of accommodations
Accommodation vacancies - enables creation of accommodation vacancies / availability and pricing
Accommodation bookings - enables creation of accommodation bookings (useful to block dates)


Cabin types - enables creation of cabin types
Cruises - enables creation of cruises
Cruise schedules - enables creation of cruise schedules / availability and pricing
Cruise bookings - enables creation of cruise bookings (useful to block dates)

Car rentals

Car rentals - enables creation of car rentals
Car rental availabilities - enables creation of car rental availability and pricing
Car rental bookings- enables creation of car rental bookings (useful to block dates)


Tours - enables creation of tours
Tour schedules - enables creation of tour schedules / availability and pricing
Tour bookings - enables creation of tour bookings (useful to block dates)

Partner listings management

List Content Page Template

Content type

For creating pages for partners to use to submit their content, follow these steps:

  • Go to Pages > Add new
  • Select the User Content List page template from the Page attributes box and Publish the page

Once you publish the page, scroll down to the Extra information panel and select the content you would like to show here:


Room types - displays a list of partner's room types
Accommodations - displays a list of partner's accommodations
Accommodation vacancies - displays a list of partner's accommodation vacancies / availability and pricing
Accommodation bookings - displays a list of partner's accommodation bookings


Cabin types - displays a list of partner's cabin types
Cruises - displays a list of partner's cruises
Cruise schedules - displays a list of partner's cruise schedules / availability and pricing
Cruise bookings - displays a list of partner's cruise bookings

Car rentals

Car rentals - displays a list of partner's car rentals
Car rental availabilities - displays a list of partner's car rental availability and pricing
Car rental bookings - displays a list of partner's car rental bookings


Tours - displays a list of partner's tours
Tour schedules - displays a list of partner's tour schedules / availability and pricing
Tour bookings - displays a list of partner's tour bookings

For displaying a special navigation menu that is visible only to partners, make sure to enable the "Is partner page?" setting.

Is partner page

For instructions for building a menu on the pages for partners, please go here.


To enable/disable the accommodations post type, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Post types.


Accommodations make up the core of the functionality of the Book Your Travel Online Booking WordPress theme. It is therefore fundamental that you use this data correctly in order to make full use of the rich functionality of this theme.

Quick links:

Accommodation content management
Room types
Accommodation & room facilities
Accommodation types & tags
Accommodation guest settings
Accommodation pricing settings
Accommodation availability
Accommodation booking settings
Accommodation layout settings

Accommodation content management

Tabs and fields


Do not change the IDs of the default tabs (you can change their names) in order to obtain the default functionality. For creating your own tabs, it is recommended to build your own instead of reusing the existing ones.


A tab will not be displayed unless it has at least one field associated with it. It will also remain hidden if the associated fields have no content.

You can create your own content blocks for your accommodations. To do so, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Accommodations.

When editing content via Accommodations > All Accommodations > Edit, they are displayed in the Extra information panel, specifically in the Content tab.

With custom tabs, you build your content structure. With custom fields, you build the content that is displayed within your custom tab content in dashboard and on front-end.

Each tab has the following settings:

Tab name: Name of the tab
Tab ID: ID of the tab
Tab Icon: Icon that is displayed next to the tab name (can be ignored)
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the tab

Each field has the following settings:

Field name: Name of the field
Field ID: ID of the field
Field Type: Text (single line text field), Text area (a multi line text field), Image, Select (drop down), Checkbox, Number selector
Assign to: Defines in what tab the field is displayed
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the field
Hidden in front-end: Hides the field on the website only, but keeps it in the Content tab of your accommodation dashboard

Create your own tab

  • Click the Add tab button
  • Insert a name and drag it to position it where you want
  • If you want to display an icon next to its name, click on the select icon button and choose your icon from the popup

Create your own field

  • Click the Add field button
  • Insert a name and select the field type
  • Select what tab do you want to display this field in

*Process is the same for all custom post types

When it comes to display on your website, tabs can either be shown above the content or next to it. You can choose your desired layout via Appearance > Customize > Custom Posts Styles.

Note that all tabs functionality can be disabled too, so you can use the WPBakery page builder and/or Gutenberg editor only.

Add new accommodation

Create new accommodations

To create a new accommodation go to Accommodations > New Accommodation.

The content placeholders (tabs and fields) you have created in the previous step will now be found inside the Extra information panel, in the Content tab.

There are several additional content sections:

General description: is the default content that is shown in the default Description tab.

Short description: displays the accommodation excerpt in lists and on the right accommodation sidebar (if using).

The actual default WordPress editor: is displayed on the absolute top in admin, but below the tabbed content on the website. You can also use the WPBakery page builder (Visual Composer) and/or Gutenberg editor here to create your own layouts.

Edit accommodation

Edit accommodations

To edit an existing accommodation, hover over the Accommodation Title with your mouse (e.g. Villa Odin in the sample image at right) in the list of accommodations to see editing links.

Edit opens the default WordPress editor

Quick edit allows you to quickly edit the title, slug, facilities, accommodation types, accommodation tags, publish date and visibility settings

Edit with WPBakery Page Builder if you have installed the plugin, you will be able to quickly go to the WPBakery frontend editor to edit the accommodation

Creating room types

Room types

Here you must decide whether an accommodation is rented as one whole unit or on a per room basis. This setting also determines whether vacancies created for this accommodation are specific to a room type and accommodation or just to an accommodation.

A hotel for example, would use room types, whilst an apartment would not. When using Book Your Travel for a single property, you can use either/or, depending on which feature works better in your case (using accommodations as your rooms or use the room type feature).

There is also a difference in the display on the website. The image on the right shows how the availability tab of a property that uses room type is displayed. A property that uses room types, displays a list of rooms and each room has its own calendar. A property that does not use room types would only display one calendar for the whole property.

The room types setting for each accommodation can be found inside the Booking tab:

Room types Settings

The associated room types setting connects your rooms to an accommodation.

To create a new room type go to Accommodations > Room types.

Every room type has the following settings:

Room title: The name of the room (for example Single room, Double room with balcony etc.)
Room featured image: Thumbnail of the room type that is display in the list of rooms
Room content: Additional descriptive content for the room that shows when "+ more info" is clicked
Bed size: It shows when "+ more info" is clicked
Room size: It shows when "+ more info" is clicked
Room meta information: Is displayed under the room title and can be useful for displaying terms (non refundable, breakfast included etc.)
Facilities: Displays a list of room facilities
Minumum adult count: Allows you to set minimum number of adults per room
Minumum child count: Allows you to set minimum number of children per room
Maximum adult count: Allows you to set maximum number of adults per room
Maximum child count: Allows you to set maximum number of children per room
Gallery images: Every room has a lightbox image gallery that is displayed when the user clicks on the room thumbnail

Accommodation & Room facilities

Accommodation & room facilities

Facilities are a custom taxonomy. To add a new facility go to Accommodations > Facilities. Once there fill in the form and hit the Add New Facility button.

An accommodation may for example have gym & spa facilities, 24/7 reception etc. Room types on the other hand may have mini bar facilities, ironing board, private bathroom etc.

To assign a facility to an accommodation , open your accommodation via Accommodations > All accommodations, scroll down to the Extra information box and open the General tab.

To assign a facility to a room type , open your room via Accommodations > Room types, scroll down to the Extra information box and open the General tab.

Accommodation tags

Accommodation types & tags

You can create as many accommodation types and tags as you would like. These are particularly useful for filtering content and additional SEO optimization. An accommodation type can for example be: apartment, villa, cabin, hotel etc. Accommodation tags can for example be: beachfront, child friendly, wellness etc.

To create accommodation types, go to Accommodations > Accommodation types, fill in the form and click the Add new accommodation type button.

To create accommodation tags, go to Accommodations > Accommodation tags, fill in the form and click the Add new accommodation tag button.

The Featured image setting is optional. It displays a hero image on the types/tags taxonomy pages. Recommended image size is 1600x600px.

Once you have types and tags set, there is a lot you can achieve with them:

Accommodation Types and Tags in Menus


When creating menus, you can drag the accommodation tags and types directly to your menu. This will automatically create taxonomy pages where content with a specific type or tag is shown. For example, if you want to display accommodations that are tagged with beachfront, drag the beachfront accommodation tag to your menu and the page will display all accommodations with that tag. You can further adjust the layout via Appearance > Theme Options > Page settings.

Accommodation List Page Template

Filtering content

If you want to have more control over your content, you can use the Accommodation List Page template which allows you to fine-tune the content to the last detail: The Accommodation List page template allows you to filter content by accommodation type, tags and location simultaneously.

For example, if you want to have a page that displays "Luxury" "Villas" in "Cancun" that are "on the beach" and "pet friendly", this is the way to do so.

In addition, you can also sort content by price, title, ID, publish date, randomly etc., create featured lists, set display options and so on.

There is also the Accommodation List Widget available, which can be reused throughout your website as well as the Accommodation List Block for the WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) which gives you the freedom to display and filter accommodations anywhere on your website.

Search filtering

You can also use accommodation types, tags and facilities as search parameters.

Accommodation Guest settings

Accommodation guest settings

Guest settings vary on whether you are using the room types or not. If you are using room types, guest settings will be found inside Accommodations > Room types. If you are not using room types, you will be able to set the Minumum & Maximum Adults/Children inside the Booking tab when editing the accommodation.

In addition, inside the Booking tab that is located in the Extra information panel, you can also set Minimum/Maximum days stay as well as the Allowed check-in/out days of the week for stay.

These settings are optional and can be ignored if they are not needed.

Accommodation pricing settings

When editing an accommodation, inside the Booking tab that is located in the Extra information panel, you can choose whether price is calculated per person (adult/child) or per unit.

If pricing is per person, you can also set how many children stay free. When using this option, you can achieve the following pricing:

1st child per day: Free
2nd, 3rd.. child per day: $50
Adult per day: $100

You can also create higher weekend prices, and seasonal prices per adults/children/day when creating accommodation availability.

Additional Surcharges

A great way to create your own packages and surcharges is by utilizing the Extra items feature.

They can be assigned to accommodation types and/or tags, so a villa for example might charge a cleaning fee, whilst a hotel would not.

Each extra item has a base price, which can be additionally configured by setting whether a price is set per day, per person, both or none. Extra items can also be optional or mandatory to users.

So for example, when a user begins booking an accommodation, there can be also be the following parameters (you can create your own) added to the booking:

Cleaning fee: that costs $30 and is a one time mandatory surcharge
Tourist tax: that costs $1 per person per day and is a mandatory surcharge
WiFi: that costs $5 per day and is optional
Breakfast: that costs $6 per person per day and is optional
Massage: that costs $30 per person and is optional

So, in addition to paying for the booking, that for example costs $500, if there are 2 guests staying for 7 days/6 nights, the final summary will look something like this:

$ 500 rental price

Mandatory surcharges that will be automatically added to the booking price:

+ $30 cleaning fee
+ $1 x 2 guests x 6 nights for the tourist tax

In addition to that the user has selected WiFi, breakfast for both guests and a massage for one guest as-well:

+ $5 x 6 nights for Wifi
+ $6 x 2 guests x 6 nights for breakfast
+ $30 x 1 guest for the massage

At the time of making a booking, a price breakdown can be seen, so that pricing is transparent for the user.

Accommodation booking settings

Rent type indicates whether your accommodation is rented on a per day, per week or per month basis.

Disable room types? Is the accommodation bookable as one entity (lodges, houses etc) or does it provide individual room booking (hotel/motel style)?.

Associated room types Here, if room types are enabled, you will be able to select what rooms belong to this accommodation.

Priced per person? Is price calculated per person (adult, child)? If not then calculations are done per room or per entity (if room types are disabled).

Minimum days stay What is the minimum number of days accommodation can be booked for?

Maximum days stay What is the maximum number of days accommodation can be booked for? Leave as 0 to ignore.

Allowed check-in day of the week for stay What is the day of the week that visitors can check-in to the accommodation on? Do not select to ignore.

Allowed check-out day of the week for stay What is the day of the week that visitors can check-out from the accommodation on? Do not select to ignore.

Is for reservation only? If you enable this, users who book this item will NOT be directed to the WooCommerce cart and checkout regardless of whether WooCommerce is in use or not. Instead an inhouse booking form will be presented for the user to enter their details. You will then have to collect payment from the customer offline.

Contact email address Bookings and inquiries can be sent to specific email addresses. You can insert several per each accommodation.

Hide inquiry form? Use this if you want to send booking emails to the accommodation's contact email address but do not want to show the inquiry form in the right hand sidebar of the post types single view.

Booking and Inquiry forms can also be edited via Appearance > Theme Options > Booking/Inquiry Forms.

Accommodation availability


An accommodation will not show a price on the website unless a valid vacancy exist for a given date period.

Vacancies require an accommodation at least to be specified. If you are adding a vacancy for an accommodation with enabled room types, a room type must be specified too. A vacancy also requires a start and end date, number of rooms available (if not disabled) and the price. If an accommodation is priced per person (described in a section earlier), a child price is required to be entered too. You can also specify weekend prices if an accommodation is set to be rented on a daily basis (daily rent type).

To create vacancies go to Accommodations > Vacancies. Once there, hit the New Vacancy button and fill in the form.

Once you enter vacancies, visitors to your website will be able to make bookings against those vacancies.
To view already created bookings go to Accommodations > Bookings.

Note: vacancies are configured to automatically have their room count reduced as bookings are made against them. If however a booking is deleted, the room count of the vacancy is brought back to the original value.

In addition, if you are using WooCommerce for checkout, it is imperative to select what payment status(es) are to be treated as completed (so that booking dates can be made unavailable in calendars in the front end based on this). This way the system will for example ignore bookings that have not been successfully completed (paid for) and lock only those dates that have been paid for.

To do so, go to Appearance > Theme Options > WooCommerce Integration.

Accommodation layout settings

There are several layouts possible for the accommodation single page. The general layout can be set via Appearance > Customize > Custom Post Styles.

Here you can select the sidebar position (left, right, both, none), Tab content layout (above the content, on the left/right side), style the tabs and the calendar.

Calendar layout can be adjusted via Appearance > Theme Options > Configuration Settings . Here you can select how many calendar months (horizontally and vertically) do you want to show to your users inside the Availability tab.

When editing your accommodations, there is also a Gallery Tab. Here you can choose whether you want to display a featured image or a gallery slider. There are 3 basic displays available:

  1. Large hero image above the content: This is the featured image that you can upload by clicking Add featured image on the right side of the screen. Recommended image size is 1600x600px. The same image (an auto generated smaller one) is used as the accommodation thumbnail in lists.
  2. Medium image: In this case select Image gallery and upload one image by using the gallery interface. Image height is optional.
  3. Image gallery with thumbnails: In this case select Image gallery and upload your images by using the gallery interface. Thumbnails will be automatically created. Image height is optional. Please note that the size of the gallery slider depends on the size of the first image you upload. So if the first image in the gallery is really small, all of your images will be scaled down.

For gallery images, the recommended image width is 900px. If you are using two sidebars you can use smaller images (600px). If you are using a no sidebar layout, you should use larger images (1200px).

Other Accommodation settings

Use referral url: If using, the accommodation will be displayed in lists, but the Book now button will lead to an external website. You can of course, insert any link you want for each accommodation.

Is featured: Mark your accommodation as Is Featured if you want to be able to show this accommodation in accommodation lists (widgets and custom pages) where "Show only featured" flag is checked.

Star count: Displays stars next to the accommodation title

Address: Is displayed below the title and can be used for any meta information

Latitude & longitude coordinates: creates a map pin on the google map in the Location tab

Website address: is displayed on the map in the Location tab

Location: Assigns the accommodation to a location (used for search and filtering)

Ribbon text: If specified, this text will appear in a ribbon placed on top of the thumbnail in lists when card display mode is used.

All of these settings are optional.


To enable/disable the car rentals post type, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Post types.

Car rentals

Car rentals make up the core of the functionality of the Book Your Travel Online Booking WordPress theme. It is therefore fundamental that you use this data correctly in order to make full use of the rich functionality of this theme.

Quick links:

Car rental content management
Car rental types & tags
Car rental pricing settings
Car rental availability
Car rental booking settings
Car rental layout settings Other car rental settings

Tabs and fields


Do not change the IDs of the default tabs (you can change their names) in order to obtain the default functionality. For creating your own tabs, it is recommended to build your own instead of reusing the existing ones.


A tab will not be displayed unless it has at least one field associated with it. It will also remain hidden if the associated fields have no content.

Car rental content management

You can create your own content blocks for your car rentals. To do so, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Car rentals.

When editing content via Car rentals > All Car rentals > Edit, they are displayed in the Extra information panel, specifically in the Content tab.

With custom tabs, you build your content structure. With custom fields, you build the content that is displayed within your custom tab content in dashboard and on front-end.

Each tab has the following settings:

Tab name: Name of the tab
Tab ID: ID of the tab
Tab Icon: Icon that is displayed next to the tab name (can be ignored)
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the tab

Each field has the following settings:

Field name: Name of the field
Field ID: ID of the field
Field Type: Text (single line text field), Text area (a multi line text field), Image, Select (drop down), Checkbox, Number selector
Assign to: Defines in what tab the field is displayed
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the field
Hidden in front-end: Hides the field on the website only, but keeps it in the Content tab of your car rental dashboard

Create your own tab

  • Click the Add tab button
  • Insert a name and drag it to position it where you want
  • If you want to display an icon next to its name, click on the select icon button and choose your icon from the popup

Create your own field

  • Click the Add field button
  • Insert a name and select the field type
  • Select what tab do you want to display this field in

*Process is the same for all custom post types

When it comes to display on your website, tabs can either be shown above the content or next to it. You can choose your desired layout via Appearance > Customize > Custom Posts Styles.

Note that all tabs functionality can be disabled too, so you can use the WPBakery page builder and/or Gutenberg editor only.

Add new car rental

Create new car rental

To create a new car rental go to Car rentals > New Car rental.

The content placeholders (tabs and fields) you have created in the previous step will now be found inside the Extra information panel, in the Content tab.

There are several additional content sections:

General description: is the default content that is shown in the default Description tab.

Short description: displays the car rental excerpt in lists and on the right car rental sidebar (if using).

The actual default WordPress editor: is displayed on the absolute top in admin, but below the tabbed content on the website. You can also use the WPBakery page builder (Visual Composer) and/or Gutenberg editor here to create your own layouts.

Edit car rental

Edit car rental

To edit an existing car rental, hover over the Car rental Title with your mouse (e.g. SUV in the sample image at right) in the list of car rentals to see editing links.

Edit opens the default WordPress editor

Quick edit allows you to quickly edit the title, slug, car rental type, car rental tags, publish date and visibility settings

Edit with WPBakery Page Builder if you have installed the plugin, you will be able to quickly go to the WPBakery frontend editor to edit the car rental

New car type

Car rental types & tags

You can create as many car rental types and tags as you would like. These are particularly useful for filtering content and additional SEO optimization. A car rental type can for example be: SUV, compact, economy, limousine etc. Car rental tags can for example be: diesel, electric, sports, luxury, budget, automatic etc.

To create car rental types, go to Car rentals > Car rental types, fill in the form and click the Add new car rental type button.

To create car rental tags, go to Car rentals > Car rental tags, fill in the form and click the Add new car rental tag button.

The Featured image setting is optional. It displays a hero image on the types/tags taxonomy pages. Recommended image size is 1600x600px.

Once you have types and tags set, there is a lot you can achieve with them:

Car rental types and tags in menus


When creating menus, you can drag the car rental tags and types directly to your menu. This will automatically create taxonomy pages where content with a specific type or tag is shown. For example, if you want to display car rentals that are tagged with luxury, drag the luxury car rental tag to your menu and the page will display all car rentals with that tag. You can further adjust the layout via Appearance > Theme Options > Page settings.

Car rental List Page Template

Filtering content

If you want to have more control over your content, you can use the Car rental List Page template which allows you to fine-tune the content to the last detail: The Car rental List page template allows you to filter content by car rental type, tags and location simultaneously.

For example, if you want to have a page that displays "Luxury" "SUVs" in "Barcelona" that are "eco-friendly", this is the way to do so.

In addition, you can also sort content by price, title, ID, publish date, randomly etc., create featured lists, set display options and so on.

There is also the Car Rental List Widget available, which can be reused throughout your website as well as the Car Rental List Block for the WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) which gives you the freedom to display and filter car rentals anywhere on your website.

Search filtering

You can also use car types and tags as search parameters.

Car rental pricing settings

Car rentals are rented on a daily basis.

You can also create seasonal prices per vehicle when creating car rental availability.

Additional Surcharges

A great way to create your own packages and surcharges is by utilizing the Extra items feature.

They can be assigned to car rental types and/or tags.

Each extra item has a base price, which can be additionally configured by setting whether a price is set per day, per person, both or none. Extra items can also be optional or mandatory to users.

So for example, when a user begins booking a car rental, there can be also be the following parameters (you can create your own) added to the booking:

Theft Insurance: that costs $100 and is a one time mandatory surcharge
Personal accident Insurance: that costs $10 per person per day and is a mandatory surcharge
GPS: that costs $5 per day and is optional
Additional driver: that costs $12 per person per day and is optional
Baby seat: that costs $30 per item and is optional

So, in addition to paying for the booking, that for example costs $500, if the vehicle is rented out for 6 days, the final summary will look something like this:

$ 500 rental price

Mandatory surcharges that will be automatically added to the booking price:

+ $100 theft insurance
+ $10 x 2 people x 6 days for the personal accident insurance

In addition to that the user has selected to have GPS, 1 baby seat and 1 additional driver:

+ $5 x 6 days for GPS
+ $12 x 1 user x 6 days for an additional driver
+ $30 for the baby seat

At the time of making a booking, a price breakdown can be seen, so that pricing is transparent for the user.

Car rental booking settings

Car rentals are rented out on a daily basis.

Is for reservation only? If you enable this, users who book this item will NOT be directed to the WooCommerce cart and checkout regardless of whether WooCommerce is in use or not. Instead an inhouse booking form will be presented for the user to enter their details. You will then have to collect payment from the customer offline.

Contact email address Bookings and inquiries can be sent to specific email addresses. You can insert several per each car rental.

Hide inquiry form? Use this if you want to send booking emails to the car rental's contact email address but do not want to show the inquiry form in the right hand sidebar of the post types single view.

Booking and Inquiry forms can also be edited via Appearance > Theme Options > Booking/Inquiry Forms.

Car rental availability


A car rental will not show a price on the website unless a valid availability exists for a given date period.

Availability requires a car rental at least to be specified. It also requires a start and end date, number of vehicles and the price.

To create availability go to Car rentals > Availability. Once there, hit the Add availability button and fill in the form.

Once you enter availability, visitors to your website will be able to make bookings against those dates.
To view already created bookings go to Car rentals > Bookings.

Note: The Book Your Travel theme treats car rental availability by making all car rentals available until booked. Once all cars (based on number of cars entered for a car rental entry) are booked for a certain day, that car rental entry is no longer available for that day. If however bookings are deleted, the vehicle count of the availability entry is brought back to the original value.

In addition, if you are using WooCommerce for checkout, it is imperative to select what payment status are to be treated as completed (so that booking dates can be made unavailable in calendars in the front end based on this). This way the system will for example ignore bookings that have not been successfully completed (paid for) and lock only those dates that have been paid for.

To do so, go to Appearance > Theme Options > WooCommerce Integration.

Car rental layout settings

There are several layouts possible for the car rental single page. The general layout can be set via Appearance > Customize > Custom Post Styles.

Here you can select the sidebar position (left, right, both, none), tab content layout (above the content, on the left/right side), style the tabs and the calendar.

Calendar layout can be adjusted via Appearance > Theme Options > Configuration Settings . Here you can select how many calendar months (horizontally and vertically) do you want to show to your users inside the Availability tab.

When editing your car rentals, there is also a Gallery Tab. Here you can choose whether you want to display a featured image or a gallery slider. There are 3 base displays available:

  1. Large hero image above the content: This is the featured image that you can upload by clicking Add featured image on the right side of the screen. Recommended image size is 1600x600px. The same image (an auto generated smaller one) is used as the car rental thumbnail in lists.
  2. Medium image: In this case select Image gallery and upload one image by using the gallery interface. Image height is optional.
  3. Image gallery with thumbnails: In this case select Image gallery and upload your images by using the gallery interface. Thumbnails will be automatically created. Image height is optional. Please note that the size of the gallery slider depends on the size of the first image you upload. So if the first image in the gallery is really small, all of your images will be scaled down.

For gallery images, the recommended image width is 900px. If you are using two sidebars you can use smaller images (600px). If you are using a no sidebar layout, you should use larger images (1200px).

Other car rental settings

Use referral url: If using, the car rental will be displayed in lists, but the Book now button will lead to an external website. You can of course, insert any link you want for each car rental.

Is featured: Mark your car rental as Is Featured if you want to be able to show this car rental in car rental lists (widgets and custom pages) where "Show only featured" flag is checked.

Address: Is displayed below the title and can be used for any meta information

Location: Assigns the car rental to a location (used for search and filtering)

Ribbon text: If specified, this text will appear in a ribbon placed on top of the thumbnail in lists when card display mode is used.

All of these settings are optional.


To enable/disable the cruises post type, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Post types.


Cruises make up the core of the functionality of the Book Your Travel Online Booking WordPress theme. It is therefore fundamental that you use this data correctly in order to make full use of the rich functionality of this theme.

Quick links:

Cruise content management
Cruise cabin types
Cruise & cabin facilities
Cruise types & tags
Cruise pricing settings
Cruise booking settings
Cruise schedules
Cruise layout settings Other cruise settings

Cruise content management

Tabs and fields


Do not change the IDs of the default tabs (you can change their names) in order to obtain the default functionality. For creating your own tabs, it is recommended to build your own instead of reusing the existing ones.


A tab will not be displayed unless it has at least one field associated with it. It will also remain hidden if the associated fields have no content.

You can create your own content blocks for your cruises. To do so, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Cruises.

When editing content via Cruises > All Cruises > Edit, they are displayed in the Extra information panel, specifically in the Content tab.

With custom tabs, you build your content structure. With custom fields, you build the content that is displayed within your custom tab content in dashboard and on front-end.

Each tab has the following settings:

Tab name: Name of the tab
Tab ID: ID of the tab
Tab Icon: Icon that is displayed next to the tab name (can be ignored)
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the tab

Each field has the following settings:

Field name: Name of the field
Field ID: ID of the field
Field Type: Text (single line text field), Text area (a multi line text field), Image, Select (drop down), Checkbox, Number selector
Assign to: Defines in what tab the field is displayed
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the field
Hidden in front-end: Hides the field on the website only, but keeps it in the Content tab of your car rental dashboard

Create your own tab

  • Click the Add tab button
  • Insert a name and drag it to position it where you want
  • If you want to display an icon next to its name, click on the select icon button and choose your icon from the popup

Create your own field

  • Click the Add field button
  • Insert a name and select the field type
  • Select what tab do you want to display this field in

*Process is the same for all custom post types

When it comes to display on your website, tabs can either be shown above the content or next to it. You can choose your desired layout via Appearance > Customize > Custom Posts Styles.

Note that all tabs functionality can be disabled too, so you can use the WPBakery page builder and/or Gutenberg editor only.

Add new cruise

Create new cruise

The content placeholders (tabs and fields) you have created in the previous step will now be found inside the Extra information panel, in the Content tab.

To create a new cruise go to Cruises > New Cruise.

There are several additional content sections:

General description: is the default content that is shown in the default Description tab.

Short description: displays the car rental excerpt in lists and on the right car rental sidebar (if using).

The actual default WordPress editor: is displayed on the absolute top in admin, but below the tabbed content on the website. You can also use the WPBakery page builder (Visual Composer) and/or Gutenberg editor here to create your own layouts.

Edit cruise

Edit cruises

To edit an existing cruise, hover over the Cruise Title with your mouse (e.g. Europe posh in the sample image at right) in the list of cruises to see editing links.

Edit opens the default WordPress editor

Quick edit allows you to quickly edit the title, slug, facilities, cruise type, cruise tags, publish date and visibility settings

Edit with WPBakery Page Builder if you have installed the plugin, you will be able to quickly go to the WPBakery frontend editor to edit the cruise

Creating cabin types

Cabin types

Every cruise ship has its own cabins that users can book. A cruise ship can for example have 100 interior cabins, 80 exterior cabins with a balcony, 50 suites and so on.

To create your own cabins go to Cruises > Cabin types > Add new.

Every cabin type has the following settings:

Cabin title: The name of the cabin (for example Interior, Exterior with balcony etc.)
Cabin featured image: Thumbnail of the cabin type that is display in the list of cabins
Cabin content: Additional descriptive content for the room that shows when "+ more info" is clicked
Bed size: It shows when "+ more info" is clicked
Cabin size: It shows when "+ more info" is clicked
Cabin meta information: Is displayed under the cabin title and can be useful for displaying terms (non refundable, breakfast included etc.)
Facilities: Displays a list of cabin facilities
Maximum adult count: Allows you to set maximum number of adults per cabin
Maximum child count: Allows you to set maximum number of children per cabin
Gallery images: Every cabin has a lightbox image gallery that is displayed when the user clicks on the cabin thumbnail

Before creating availability you need to connect cabins with cruises. When editing a cruise via Cruisies > All cruises > Edit, locate the Booking tab and add the Cabin types by ticking the checkboxes:

Associated cabin types

Cruise and cabin facilities

Cruise & cabin facilities

Facilities are a custom taxonomy. To add a new facility go to Cruises > Facilities. Once there fill in the form and hit the Add New Facility button.

An cruise may for example have gym & spa facilities, casino etc. Cabin types on the other hand may have mini bar facilities, TV, private bathroom etc.

To assign a facility to a cruise, open your cruise via Cruises > All cruises, scroll down to the Extra information box and open the General tab.

To assign a facility to a cabin type , open your cabin via Cruises > Cabin types, scroll down to the Extra information box and open the General tab.

New Cruise types and tags

Cruise types & tags

You can create as many cruise types and tags as you would like. These are particularly useful for filtering content and additional SEO optimization. Cruise tags can for example be: senior, luxury, last minute etc.

To create cruise tags, go to Cruises > cruise tags, fill in the form and click the Add new cruise tag button.

To create cruise types, go to Cruises > cruise types, fill in the form and click the Add new cruise type button.

Cruise types have an important role when creating schedules (availability). Cruise types can either be repeated or non repeated.

A cruise can be repeated daily, on weekdays, weekly (one day in a week), or on multiple days in a week (Tuesdays and Fridays for example). This comes in handy when you create cruise schedules.

The Featured image setting is optional. It displays a hero image on the types/tags taxonomy pages. Recommended image size is 1600x600px.

Once you have types and tags set, there is a lot you can achieve with them:

Cruise types and tags in Menus


When creating menus, you can drag the cruise tags and types directly to your menu. This will automatically create taxonomy pages where content with a specific type or tag is shown. For example, if you want to display cruises that are tagged with luxury, drag the luxury cruise tag to your menu and the page will display all cruises with that tag. You can further adjust the layout via Appearance > Theme Options > Page settings.

Cruise List Page Template

Filtering content

If you want to have more control over your content, you can use the Cruise List Page template which allows you to fine-tune the content to the last detail: The Cruise List page template allows you to filter content by cruise type, tags and location simultaneously.

For example, if you want to have a page that displays "Luxury" "Cruises" in "The Caribbean" that have a "casino" and "pool" on board, this is the way to do so.

In addition, you can also sort content by price, title, ID, publish date, randomly etc., create featured lists, set display options and so on.

There is also the Cruise List Widget available, which can be reused throughout your website as well as the Cruise List Block for the WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) which gives you the freedom to display and filter accommodations anywhere on your website.

Search filtering

You can also use cruise types, tags and facilities as search parameters.

Cruise pricing settings

When editing a cruise, inside the Booking tab that is located in the Extra information panel, you can choose whether price is calculated per person (adult/child) or per cabin.

If pricing is per person, you can also set how many children stay free. When using this option, you can achieve the following pricing:

1st child per cruise: Free
2nd, 3rd.. child per cruise: $700
Adult per cruise: $1000

You can also create seasonal prices per adults/children/cruise when creating cruise schedules.

Additional Surcharges

A great way to create your own packages and surcharges is by utilizing the Extra items feature.

They can be assigned to cruise types and/or tags.

Each extra item has a base price, which can be additionally configured by setting whether a price is set per day, per person, both or none. Extra items can also be optional or mandatory to users.

So for example, when a user begins booking a cruise, there can be also be the following parameters (you can create your own) added to the booking:

Fuel surcharge: that costs $100 and is a one time mandatory surcharge
Travel insurance: that costs $50 per person and is a one time mandatory surcharge
Shore excursion: that costs $50 per person per excursion and is optional
Internet usage: that costs $10 per person per day and is optional
Premium dining package: that costs $200 per package and is optional

So, in addition to paying for the booking, that for example costs $1000, if there are 2 guests staying on a 7 days/6 nights cruise, the final summary will look something like this:

$ 1000 cruise price

Mandatory surcharges that will be automatically added to the booking price:

+ $100 fuel surcharge
+ $50 x 2 guests for the travel insurance

In addition to that the user has selected to use the internet, booked a shore excursion for both and upgraded to premium dining:

+ $10 x 2 people x 6 nights for Internet
+ $50 x 2 guests for an excursion
+ $200 for the premium dining package

At the time of making a booking, a price breakdown can be seen, so that pricing is transparent for the user.

Cruise booking settings

Is for reservation only? If you enable this, users who book this item will NOT be directed to the WooCommerce cart and checkout regardless of whether WooCommerce is in use or not. Instead an inhouse booking form will be presented for the user to enter their details. You will then have to collect payment from the customer offline.

Cruise duration This field is used to determine cost of extra items if they are priced per day

Price per person? Is price calculated per person (adult, child)? If not then calculations are done per cabin.

Count children stay free Determines how many children stay free.

Contact email address Bookings and inquiries can be sent to specific email addresses. You can insert several per each cruise.

Hide inquiry form? Use this if you want to send booking emails to the cruise's contact email address but do not want to show the inquiry form in the right hand sidebar of the post types single view.

Booking and Inquiry forms can also be edited via Appearance > Theme Options > Booking/Inquiry Forms.

Cruise schedules


A cruise will not show a cabin price on the website unles a valid schedule exists for a date period. On the front page, if no date filter is used, the current date + 1 date is used for date range against which cruise schedules are searched.

To create cruise schedules go to Cruises > Schedules. Once there, hit the New Schedule button.

For every time period you create, you can set schedules for each cabin type.

Schedules require a cruise and cabin type at least to be specified, combined with a start date and duration. When creating schedules you will also need to specify the number of cabins available and the price (adult, child, cabin).

If your cruise is repeated then the system will automatically create schedule entries based on the parameters you have set under the cruise type and time frame you have chosen.

So for example, if your cruise ship begins its journey every Tuesday and Saturday from July 15 and October 21, you would only need to insert one schedule entry, between the start and end the end date and the system will automatically create available departures for all Tuesdays and Saturday in this time frame.

Cruise layout settings

There are several layouts possible for the cruise single page. The general layout can be set via Appearance > Customize > Custom Post Styles.

Here you can select the sidebar position (left, right, both, none), Tab content layout (above the content, on the left/right side), style the tabs and the calendar.

Calendar layout can be adjusted via Appearance > Theme Options > Configuration Settings . Here you can select how many calendar months (horizontally and vertically) do you want to show to your users inside the Availability tab.

When editing your cruises, there is also a Gallery Tab. Here you can choose whether you want to display a featured image or a gallery slider. There are 3 basic displays available:

  1. Large hero image above the content: This is the featured image that you can upload by clicking Add featured image on the right side of the screen. Recommended image size is 1600x600px. The same image (an auto generated smaller one) is used as the accommodation thumbnail in lists.
  2. Medium image: In this case select Image gallery and upload one image by using the gallery interface. Image height is optional.
  3. Image gallery with thumbnails: In this case select Image gallery and upload your images by using the gallery interface. Thumbnails will be automatically created. Image height is optional. Please note that the size of the gallery slider depends on the size of the first image you upload. So if the first image in the gallery is really small, all of your images will be scaled down.

For gallery images, the recommended image width is 900px. If you are using two sidebars you can use smaller images (600px). If you are using a no sidebar layout, you should use larger images (1200px).

Other cruise settings

Use referral url: If using, the cruise will be displayed in lists, but the Book now button will lead to an external website. You can of course, insert any link you want for each accommodation.

Is featured: Mark your cruise as Is Featured if you want to be able to show this cruise in cruise lists (widgets and custom pages) where "Show only featured" flag is checked.

Address: Is displayed below the title and can be used for any meta information

Locations : Each cruise can belong to several locations. Additional information about locations you select is then displayed on the cruise page in the locations tab (can be hidden), in order to provide visitors clear and valuable information about the places they will explore when going on that cruise. It is also used for search and filtering.

Ribbon text: If specified, this text will appear in a ribbon placed on top of the thumbnail in lists when card display mode is used.

All of these settings are optional.


To enable/disable the tours post type, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Post types.


Tours make up the core of the functionality of the Book Your Travel Online Booking WordPress theme. It is therefore fundamental that you use this data correctly in order to make full use of the rich functionality of this theme.

Quick links:

Tour content management
Tour types & tags
Tour pricing settings
Tour booking settings
Tour schedules
Tour layout settings Other tour settings

Tour content management

Tabs and fields


Do not change the IDs of the default tabs (you can change their names) in order to obtain the default functionality. For creating your own tabs, it is recommended to build your own instead of reusing the existing ones.


A tab will not be displayed unless it has at least one field associated with it. It will also remain hidden if the associated fields have no content.

You can create your own content blocks for your car rentals. To do so, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Tours.

When editing content via Tours > All tours > Edit, they are displayed in the Extra information panel, specifically in the Content tab.

With custom tabs, you build your content structure. With custom fields, you build the content that is displayed within your custom tab content in dashboard and on front-end.

Each tab has the following settings:

Tab name: Name of the tab
Tab ID: ID of the tab
Tab Icon: Icon that is displayed next to the tab name (can be ignored)
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the tab

Each field has the following settings:

Field name: Name of the field
Field ID: ID of the field
Field Type: Text (single line text field), Text area (a multi line text field), Image, Select (drop down), Checkbox, Number selector
Assign to: Defines in what tab the field is displayed
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the field
Hidden in front-end: Hides the field on the website only, but keeps it in the Content tab of your car rental dashboard

Create your own tab

  • Click the Add tab button
  • Insert a name and drag it to position it where you want
  • If you want to display an icon next to its name, click on the select icon button and choose your icon from the popup

Create your own field

  • Click the Add field button
  • Insert a name and select the field type
  • Select what tab do you want to display this field in

*Process is the same for all custom post types

When it comes to display on your website, tabs can either be shown above the content or next to it. You can choose your desired layout via Appearance > Customize > Custom Posts Styles.

Note that all tabs functionality can be disabled too, so you can use the WPBakery page builder and/or Gutenberg editor only.

Add new tour

Create a new tour

To create a new tour go to Tours > New tour.

There are several additional content sections:

General description: is the default content that is shown in the default Description tab.

Short description: displays the tour excerpt in lists and on the right tour sidebar (if using).

The actual default WordPress editor: is displayed on the absolute top in admin, but below the tabbed content on the website. You can also use the WPBakery page builder (Visual Composer) and/or Gutenberg editor here to create your own layouts.

Edit tour

Edit a tour

To edit an existing tour, hover over the Tour Title with your mouse (e.g. Crete tour in the sample image at right) in the list of tours to see editing links.

Edit opens the default WordPress editor

Quick edit allows you to quickly edit the title, slug, tour type, tour tags, publish date and visibility settings

Edit with WPBakery Page Builder if you have installed the plugin, you will be able to quickly go to the WPBakery frontend editor to edit the tour

Tour types and tags

Tour types & tags

You can create as many tour types and tags as you would like. These are particularly useful for filtering content and additional SEO optimization. Tour tags can for example be: senior, luxury, last minute etc.

To create tour tags, go to Tour > tour tags, fill in the form and click the Add new tour tag button.

To create tour types, go to Tour > tour types, fill in the form and click the Add new tour type button.

Tour types have an important role when creating schedules (availability). Tour types can either be repeated or non repeated.

A tour can be repeated daily, on weekdays, weekly (one day in a week), or on multiple days in a week (Tuesdays and Fridays for example). This comes in handy when you create tour schedules.

The Featured image setting is optional. It displays a hero image on the types/tags taxonomy pages. Recommended image size is 1600x600px.

Once you have types and tags set, there is a lot you can achieve with them:

Tour types and tags in menus


When creating menus, you can drag the tour tags and types directly to your menu. This will automatically create taxonomy pages where content with a specific type or tag is shown. For example, if you want to display tours that are tagged with expeditions, drag the expeditions tour tag to your menu and the page will display all tours with that tag. You can further adjust the layout via Appearance > Theme Options > Page settings.

Tour List Page Template

Filtering content

If you want to have more control over your content, you can use the Tour List Page template which allows you to fine-tune the content to the last detail: The Tour List page template allows you to filter content by tour type, tags and location simultaneously.

For example, if you want to have a page that displays "Private" "Adventure" tours in "Africa", this is the way to do so.

In addition, you can also sort content by price, title, ID, publish date, randomly etc., create featured lists, set display options and so on.

There is also the Tour List Widget available, which can be reused throughout your website as well as the Tour List Block for the WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) which gives you the freedom to display and filter tours anywhere on your website.

Search filtering

You can also use tour types and tags as search parameters.

Tour pricing settings

When editing a tour, inside the Booking tab that is located in the Extra information panel, you can choose whether price is calculated per person (adult/child) or per group.

You can also create seasonal prices per adults/children/group when creating tour schedules.

Additional Surcharges

A great way to create your own packages and surcharges is by utilizing the Extra items feature.

They can be assigned to tour types and/or tags.

Each extra item has a base price, which can be additionally configured by setting whether a price is set per day, per person, both or none. Extra items can also be optional or mandatory to users.

So for example, when a user begins booking a tour, there can be also be the following parameters (you can create your own) added to the booking:

Fees & taxes: that costs $100 and is a one time mandatory surcharge
VISA: that costs $50 per person and is a one time mandatory surcharge
Transfer from/to the airport: that costs $100 per person per tour and is optional
Meal upgrade: that costs $20 per person per day and is optional

So, in addition to paying for the booking, that for example costs $1000, if there are 2 guests staying on a 7 days/6 nights tour, the final summary will look something like this:

$ 1000 tour price

Mandatory surcharges that will be automatically added to the booking price:

+ $100 fees & taxes surcharge
+ $50 x 2 guests for the VISA

In addition to that the user has selected to use the airport transfer for both and upgraded to premium dining:

+ $100 x 2 guests for the airport transfer
+ $20 x 2 people x 6 nights for meal upgrade

At the time of making a booking, a price breakdown can be seen, so that pricing is transparent for the user.

Tour booking settings

Is for reservation only? If you enable this, users who book this item will NOT be directed to the WooCommerce cart and checkout regardless of whether WooCommerce is in use or not. Instead an inhouse booking form will be presented for the user to enter their details. You will then have to collect payment from the customer offline.

Tour duration This field is used to determine cost of extra items if they are priced per day

Price per group? Is price calculated per group? If not then calculations are done per person.

Contact email address Bookings and inquiries can be sent to specific email addresses. You can insert several per each tour.

Hide inquiry form? Use this if you want to send booking emails to the tour's contact email address but do not want to show the inquiry form in the right hand sidebar of the post types single view.

Booking and Inquiry forms can also be edited via Appearance > Theme Options > Booking/Inquiry Forms.

Tour schedules


A tour will not show a price on the website unless a valid schedule exists for a given date period.

To create tour schedules go to Tours > Schedules. Once there, hit the New Schedule button.

You can make any number of schedule entries for each tour. A schedule entry takes max number of people, price per person, start date and duration of tour.

Once max number of people have booked a schedule entry, that specific entry becomes unavailable.

If your tour is repeated then the system will automatically create schedule entries based on the parameters you have set under the tour type and time frame you have chosen.

So for example, if your tour runs on a daily basis from Monday to Friday from July 15 and October 21, you would only need to insert one schedule entry, between the start and end the end date and the system will automatically create available departures for all weekdays in this time frame.

Tour layout settings

There are several layouts possible for the tour single page. The general layout can be set via Appearance > Customize > Custom Post Styles.

Here you can select the sidebar position (left, right, both, none), tab content layout (above the content, on the left/right side), style the tabs and the calendar.

Calendar layout can be adjusted via Appearance > Theme Options > Configuration Settings . Here you can select how many calendar months (horizontally and vertically) do you want to show to your users inside the Availability tab.

When editing your tours, there is also a Gallery Tab. Here you can choose whether you want to display a featured image or a gallery slider. There are 3 basic displays available:

  1. Large hero image above the content: This is the featured image that you can upload by clicking Add featured image on the right side of the screen. Recommended image size is 1600x600px. The same image (an auto generated smaller one) is used as the accommodation thumbnail in lists.
  2. Medium image: In this case select Image gallery and upload one image by using the gallery interface. Image height is optional.
  3. Image gallery with thumbnails: In this case select Image gallery and upload your images by using the gallery interface. Thumbnails will be automatically created. Image height is optional. Please note that the size of the gallery slider depends on the size of the first image you upload. So if the first image in the gallery is really small, all of your images will be scaled down.

For gallery images, the recommended image width is 900px. If you are using two sidebars you can use smaller images (600px). If you are using a no sidebar layout, you should use larger images (1200px).

Other tour settings

Use referral url: If using, the tour will be displayed in lists, but the Book now button will lead to an external website. You can of course, insert any link you want for each accommodation.

Is featured: Mark your tour as Is Featured if you want to be able to show this tour in tour lists (widgets and custom pages) where "Show only featured" flag is checked.

Address: Is displayed below the title and can be used for any meta information

Map: allows you to embed your maps

Locations: Each tour can belong to several locations. Additional information about locations you select is then displayed on the tour page in the locations tab (can be hidden), in order to provide visitors clear and valuable information about the places they will explore when going on that tour. It is also used for search and filtering.

Ribbon text: If specified, this text will appear in a ribbon placed on top of the thumbnail in lists when card display mode is used.

All of these settings are optional.


To enable/disable the extra items post type, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Post types.

Add new extra item

Extra items

Extra items custom post types can be associated with tours, accommodations, car rentals and cruises. By using extra items you can create and charge for additional items when selling accommodation, tour, cruise, car rental bookings (e.g. wifi, cleaning fees, tourist tax etc).

On the website, they are shown to the customer after he/she selects the dates.

Extra items website display

To create a new extra item go to Extra items > Add new.

These are not pre-defined which means that you can create just about anything.

Once you insert a name and content (if desired), scroll down to the Extra information panel where you will find additional settings, which are explained below.

Extra item post associations

Extra item post associations

Extra items can be assigned to accommodation types/tags, car rental types/tags, cruise types/tags and tour types/tags.

A few examples:

Cleaning fee can for example be added to villas, apartments and cabins.

Tourist tax can for example be added to all accommodations and tours.

Bouquet of roses can for example be added to hotels that are tagged as romantic.

Massage can for example be added to hotels that are tagged as wellness.

Fuel surcharge can for example be added to all cruises.

Dinner upgrade package can for example be added to all cruises that are tagged as luxury.

GPS can for example be added to all car rentals.

Child seat can for example be added to all car rentals that are family appropriate.

VISA can for example be added to all tours in Africa.

Options for creating your own packages are endless.

Extra item pricing settings

Extra items settings

For each extra item, you can define whether it is priced per person or unit and per day or per stay. These items are then added to the bill at the booking process.

A few examples:

Cleaning fee can for example be priced per stay

Breakfast can for example be priced per person per day

GPS can for example be priced per day

Massage can for example be priced per item

Extra item quantity settings

For every extra item, you can select how many of those users can purchase per one booking.

A few examples:

Cleaning fee: there is no need to charge for it more than once, so you would limit that to "1".

VISA: since this item is priced per person, if you limit it to "1", it will be charged twice (if booking is made for 2 people): once for every guest.

Massage: for such products/services, you could use a larger number, so the users can purchase as many massages as they want.

Such calculation options give you a lot of freedom yet allow you to have full control over the packages you create.

Required extra items

If an extra item is marked as required, then customers will not be able to opt out of buying it when making booking.

A required extra item can for example be: cleaning (for apartments and houses), VISA (for tours in Africa), Insurance (for car rentals), fuel surcharge (for cruises) and so on.


To enable/disable the locations post type, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Post types.


Locations make up the core of the functionality of the Book Your Travel Online Booking WordPress theme. It is therefore fundamental that you use this data correctly in order to make full use of the rich functionality of this theme.

Quick links:

Location content management
Location types & tags
Nesting locations (directory)
Location pricing (ribbon)

Location content management

Tabs and fields


Do not change the IDs of the default tabs (you can change their names) in order to obtain the default functionality. For creating your own tabs, it is recommended to build your own instead of reusing the existing ones.


A tab will not be displayed unless it has at least one field associated with it. It will also remain hidden if the associated fields have no content.

You can create your own content blocks for your car locations. To do so, go to Appearance > Theme Options > Locations.

When editing content via Locations > All locations > Edit, they are displayed in the Extra information panel, specifically in the Content tab.

With custom tabs, you build your content structure. With custom fields, you build the content that is displayed within your custom tab content in dashboard and on front-end.

Each tab has the following settings:

Tab name: Name of the tab
Tab ID: ID of the tab
Tab Icon: Icon that is displayed next to the tab name (can be ignored)
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the tab

Each field has the following settings:

Field name: Name of the field
Field ID: ID of the field
Field Type: Text (single line text field), Text area (a multi line text field), Image, Select (drop down), Checkbox, Number selector
Assign to: Defines in what tab the field is displayed
Modify ID?: Enables you to override the generated ID with your own
Hidden: Hides the field
Hidden in front-end: Hides the field on the website only, but keeps it in the Content tab of your car rental dashboard

Create your own tab

  • Click the Add tab button
  • Insert a name and drag it to position it where you want
  • If you want to display an icon next to its name, click on the select icon button and choose your icon from the popup

Create your own field

  • Click the Add field button
  • Insert a name and select the field type
  • Select what tab do you want to display this field in

*Process is the same for all custom post types

Note that all tabs functionality can be disabled too, so you can use the WPBakery page builder and/or Gutenberg editor only.

Locations also have a built-in feature to display accommodations, car rentals, cruises and/or tours that belong to that location in a respective tab.

When it comes to display on your website, tabs can either be shown above the content or next to it. You can choose your desired layout via Appearance > Customize > Custom Posts Styles.

Location counters

In addition, you can also display counters with real time information for every location as visible in the image on the right. These counters can be set at Appearance > Theme Options > Locations. Here you can also select what pricing combination (if any) you would like to show in the location ribbons.

Add new location

Create a new location

To create a new location go to Location > New location.

The content placeholders (tabs and fields) you have created in the previous step will now be found inside the Extra information panel, in the Content tab.

There are several additional content sections:

General description: is the default content that is shown in the default Description tab.

Short description: displays the tour excerpt in lists and on the right tour sidebar (if using).

The actual default WordPress editor: is displayed on the absolute top in admin, but below the tabbed content on the website. You can also use the WPBakery page builder (Visual Composer) and/or Gutenberg editor here to create your own layouts.

Edit Location

Edit locations

To edit an existing location, hover over the Location Title with your mouse (e.g. Europe in the sample image at right) in the list of locations to see editing links.

Edit opens the default WordPress editor

Quick edit allows you to quickly edit the title, slug, location type, location tags, publish date and visibility settings

Edit with WPBakery Page Builder if you have installed the plugin, you will be able to quickly go to the WPBakery frontend editor to edit the location.

Location types & tags

Location types & tags

You can create as many location types and tags as you would like. These are particularly useful for filtering content and additional SEO optimization. Location tags can for example be: urban, beach etc. Location types can for example be: airports, ports, railway stations etc.

To create location tags, go to Locations > Location tags, fill in the form and click the Add new location tag button.

To create location types, go to Locations > Location types, fill in the form and click the Add new location type button.

The Featured image setting is optional. It displays a hero image on the types/tags taxonomy pages. Recommended image size is 1600x600px.

Once you have types and tags set, there is a lot you can achieve with them:

Location types & tags in menus


When creating menus, you can drag the location tags and types directly to your menu. This will automatically create taxonomy pages where content with a specific type or tag is shown. For example, if you want to display location that are tagged with "urban", drag the urban location tag to your menu and the page will display all locations with that tag. You can further adjust the layout via Appearance > Theme Options > Page settings.

Location List Page Template

Filtering content

If you want to have more control over your content, you can use the Location List Page template which allows you to fine-tune the content to the last detail: The Location List page template allows you to filter content by location types, tags and location simultaneously.

For example, if you want to have a page that displays "Airports" in "Europe", this is the way to do so.

In addition, you can also sort content by price, title, ID, publish date, randomly etc., create featured lists, set display options and so on.

There is also the Location List Widget available, which can be reused throughout your website as well as the Location List Block for the WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) which gives you the freedom to display and filter locations anywhere on your website.

Search filtering

You can also use location types and tags as search parameters.

Nesting locations (directory)

Directory and non directory locations

Single location page can either display content of that location or display a list of child locations. This depends on the Display As Directory? setting.

The first image on the right shows a non nested location whilst the second image shows a nested location.

You can create as many nested locations (levels) as you want: Europe > Spain > Catalonia > Barcelona > City center.

There is another useful setting for every directory location, called Show only top level locations? which will hide lower level locations from the list.

For every directory location you can also create your own layouts for the location lists by using the provided styling/layout settings.

Location pricing (ribbon) and counters

Location pricing (ribbon)

At Appearance > Theme Options > Locations you can select what pricing combination (if any) you would like to show in the location ribbons when displaying them in lists.

Please note that the setting will apply only if specific post type is enabled and also has availability/shedules created.

The ribbon can be styled via Appearance > Customize > Custom post styles.

User reviews & ratings

Users can leave reviews on your website after they complete a reservation. Admin can also insert them from the dashboard via Reviews > New. The system calculates the score and displays it as user rating.

Reviews can also be disabled from the Appearance > Theme Options > Post types.

If you notice a glitch in your review counts (this may occur if you have a number of review fields enabled, allow reviews, then disable or hide certain review fields), you can force re synchronisation of review counts by clicking the Synchronise reviews button on this tab.

You can also create your own parameters to be reviewed for each post type (accommodations, cruises, car rentals and tours) via Appearance > Theme Options > Reviews.

Hero scenes

Hero Sidebar

How to find a page ID

A new widget area was introduced recently for an easy creation of the hero scenes.

It is particularly useful for creating image/slider intros with the search box. You can find it in Appearance > Widgets. It is called Hero Sidebar.

When the Book Your Travel: Search widget is placed here, it will display several advanced settings that will work in conjunction with the Revolution Slider.

How to display different hero scenes on different pages?

Once you drag the Book Your Travel: Search widget and the Revolution Slider widget to the Hero Sidebar, you will be able to choose on what pages do you want to show them.

If you want to show them on all pages, keep the settings empty.

If you want to show them on home page only, enable Home page only.

Or enter a set of page ID’s to only display them on a set of specific pages.

To find your page ID go to Pages > All pages and hover over the page title with your mouse as shown in the picture on the right. Look for the number in the URL of the page you’re on. For posts and pages, you should see post=NUMBER. That NUMBER is the ID you need.

By using this method you can create countless variations on one place. Simply drag as many search boxes and slider widgets as you want and create your own combinations.

Search box layout settings

Search widget position

In addition, when the Book Your Travel: Search widget is placed inside the Hero sidebar, you will find more positioning options:

Width: sets the width of the search widget. It has to be set in percentages.

Display style: Over or Inline.

Over places the widget on top of the hero scene, whilst inline places it before or after the hero scene, depending on your widget order:

Search widget position examples

Horizontal position: aligns the search box horizontally

Vertical position: aligns the search box vertically

Horizontal and vertical position

Offset: is the distance between the frame and the search box (ignore it for centered positioned search)

Horizontal and vertical offset

Basic terms we have to understand here, are blocks and filters.

Consider blocks as boxes that will enable you to create your desired layout, and filters as content you place inside each box:

Search block

Search block with filters

Before we go further with blocks and filters, we must decide what users will be able to search among:

Enable search for?

Selecting more than one data type will result in radio boxes that users can choose from. If you select only one data type the radio boxes will not appear. In addition, since this is a standalone block, you must define its width. For more information about widths and block layouts, please keep reading.

Building the layout

The first thing to decide is how many blocks you wish to have:

Create search blocks We have created 3 blocks with different widths and applied order to each block.

Now we can add filters:

Add filters to blocks We have added a datepicker for a start date inside the first block, set its width to 50% and order to 1.

Add filters to blocks We have added another datepicker for an end date inside the first block, set its width to 50% and order to 2.

We can also do this a bit differently:

Reverse order of blocks We have now changed the order of the blocks we have created earlier.

Add filters to blocks Instead of placing the two filters inside one 100% wide block, we have now put each filter in a 50% block and set the width of filters to 100%.

Options for building your own layouts are limitless so feel free to play around and try things out in order to find a method that suits you the most.

Show only for?

Show only for? setting

This setting can be found in each filter and helps you to reuse filters.

Let’s say you have enabled all data types (accommodations, tours, car rentals and cruises) for your search box and let’s presume you will always have a destination filter, placed as third in the row.

Instead of creating the destination filter 4 times (which you totally can), you can create just one, and show it for all data types:

Show only for? examples

Do not forget to set the search results page

A list of all available pages that use the search results page will be located inside the Search results page drop down in the first tab, called General.

The search results page is the page users will be redirected to once they hit the submit button of the widget you are currently editing.


Coupons can be used to reduce the summary of the cart.


Discount type can be set to Percentage discount (eg. 30%) or Fixed cart discount (eg. $100).

You can also set a coupon expiry date.


The minimum spend field allows you to set the minimum spend allowed to use the coupon (eg. spend $100 to get 15% off).

On the contrary, the maximum spend field allows you to set the maximum spend allowed to use the coupon (eg. cannot be used on purchases higher than $500).

Individual use only prevents usage of multiple coupons at the same time.


Usage limit per coupon sets how many times the coupon can be used before it is void.

Limit usage to X items must be left blank.

Usage limit per user sets how many times the coupon can be used by individual user.

Featuring & promotions

Promotional ribbons

Every accommodation, tour, car rental and cruise has a setting Is featured?


When you tick this box, you can display only selected (featured) content within your listings and widgets.

Promotional ribbons are a great way to draw user attention to your content. If specified, this text will appear in a ribbon placed on top of the item in lists when card display mode is used.

You can set ribbons inside the Content tab in the Extra information panel when editing accommodation, tour, car rental and cruise.

Ribbon colors can be changed in Admin > Appearance > Customize > General. See Promotional ribbons color section.

iCal synchronisation

To synchronize your booking system with a third-party booking management you can now export availability and bookings in an .ics format.

iCal can be accessed via Dashboard > Accommodations/Tours/Car rentals/Cruises > Sync calendars.

Here, you will find iCal links and .ics files that you can then import to your Google calendars, calendars etc.

Enable payment gateways


Cart & Checkout pages are mandatory pages for the checkout process to work and must be set up. To tell WooCommerce what pages to use for Cart, Checkout and Terms and Conditions, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced.

WooCommerce page settings

First install and activate the WooCommerce plugin that is bundled with the Book Your Travel theme. You can do so by going to Appearance > Install Plugins.

To enable online payment processing go to Appearance > Theme Options > WooCommerce integration.

WooCommerce Pages

Upon installation, WooCommerce creates the following new pages via the Setup Wizard:

  1. Shop – No content required.
  2. Cart – Contains [woocommerce_cart] shortcode and shows the cart contents
  3. Checkout – Contains [woocommerce_checkout] shortcode and shows information such as shipping and payment options
  4. My Account – Contains [woocommerce_my_account] shortcode and shows each customer information related to their account, orders, etc.

If you skipped the Setup Wizard or want to install missing WooCommerce pages, go to WooCommerce > Status > Tools and use the page installer tool.

Currency options

In addition to the website default currency setting it is recommended that you set the WooCommerce currency settings as-well, so that you have unified settings throughout your website.

To do so, go to WooCommerce > Settings.

Payment gateways

Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments to control which payment gateways are enabled. Installed gateways are listed and can be dragged and dropped to control the order in which they display to customers on the checkout.

WooCommerce payment gateways

Clicking the name of the payment gateway will take you direct to a screen to setup or adjust your settings. Another way to configure settings is to select Set Up or Manage. You can also use the Enabled toggle to turn a gateway on or off.

Core payment options include: PayPal Standard,Check Payments,Direct Bank Transfer (BACS),Cash on Delivery,Stripe,PayPal Powered by Braintree,Klarna Payments.

More information about the included payment gateways can be found here.

Additional Free & premium payment gateways can be found here. Help for choosing your payment gateways can be fund here.

Deposits / Partial payments

To enable deposits / partial payments feature navigate to Appearance > Theme Options > Configuration settings:

Deposits / Partial payments

Then, when you wish to set a deposit for an individual listing, open it in edit mode, locate the "Booking tab" and insert the percentage users must pay:

Deposits / Partial payments

When viewing your bookings you will see everything listed:

Deposits / Partial payments Booking view

* Note that rounding of the price is optional - you can choose to use up to two decimals

Booking forms

To edit booking forms go to Appearance > Theme Options > Booking Forms.

This is where you can manage (hide, show, make required, set type, add, delete) fields used in booking forms for accommodations, tours, cruises and or car rentals.

Fields defined here are used in forms both when you enable and disable WooCommerce for payment processing, so you can indeed control fields in the WooCommerce checkout form from here.

Inquiry forms

To edit inquiry forms go to Appearance > Theme Options > Inquiry Forms.

These forms are displayed when user clicks the "Send inquiry" button on single accommodation, car rental, cruise and or tour pages.

You can also disable this setting by enabling the "Hide inquiry form" setting per each individual accommodation, car rental, cruise and or tour.

Disable payment processing for individual items

If Is for reservation only setting is enabled, users who book this item will not be directed to the WooCommerce cart and checkout regardless of whether WooCommerce is in use or not. Instead an inhouse booking form will be presented for the user to enter their details. You will then have to collect payment from the customer offline.

This setting can be enabled/disabled per each individual accommodation, car rental, cruise and or tour.

Date blocking

If there was a booking made somewhere else and you would like to easily update availability, the best way to do so is to manually create a booking in order to lock those dates down.

To do so for accommodations, go to Accommodations > Bookings > Add new.

To do so for car rentals, go to Car rentals > Bookings > Add new.

To do so for cruises, go to Cruises > Bookings > Add new.

To do so for tours, go to Tours > Bookings > Add new.

Layout & Styling

With innovative WordPress Live Customizer you will be able to style your WordPress website in real time. Lots of options will make it a breeze for you to modify the structure and the visuals of the Book Your Travel theme, including colors, typography, layouts and pretty much anything else you want to change.

Listed below are just a few of the options you have with the Live Customizer. There are over 80 settings available to edit.

Also note that these are global settings. They can also be further adjusted and/or overriden when using the WPBakery page builder when editing your content.

Website layouts

To set your general website layout, go to Appearance > Customize > General and locate "Website layout"

  1. Boxed layout: offers the same widths for everything on the page.
  2. Full screen layout: offers the content to occupy entire screen space.
  3. Wide layout(default): is a hybrid between the two, whilst the general design occupies the entire screen, the content remains constrained within the designated space.


To change the typography of your website, go to Appearance > Customize > Fonts.

Here you will be able to edit the fonts, font sizes, colors etc. that are used throughout the website as well as individual heading styles.


You can easily modify all default colors for any part of the website, be it header, footer, text colors, ribbons, icons within the Live Customizer tool. You can play around all you like without modifying your live site. And when you’ve made your changes, simply click Save and everything is applied instantly.

Custom post styles

Additional styling options are available for accommodations, car rentals, cruises, tours and locations. At Appearance > Customize > Custom post styles you can change the basic layout of these pages, position and colors of tabs, change the colors of the availability calendars and more.

Widget styles

You can also style widgets and widget areas via Appearance > Customize > Widget styles.

Form styles

Settings that apply to form elements (input boxes etc.) can be styled via Appearance > Customize > Form elements. Buttons can be changed via Appearance > Customize > Buttons.

Content editing

Creating pages & posts

WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)

Your WordPress site’s back-end or “administration area” is where content creation and editing happens. The default location for your back end is (replace “” with the address of your website).

After logging in you’ll see the administration dashboard and a left-column menu.

Content is organized under Pages, Posts, Accommodations,Tours, Car rentals, Cruises, Locations, Extra items, Reviews and so on.

For creating a page, click Pages or sub-menu All Pages to see a list of existing pages. Click sub-menu Add New to create a new page. Use the same procedure for any other content type.

WordPress Gutenberg

Gutenberg is available as part of WordPress 5.0 and later. It is a new content editor, created by the WordPress team. The Classic Editor plugin allows users to switch back to the previous editor if needed.

WordPress Classic editor

There are two modes for editing WordPress content: Text and Visual.

Visual mode is an approximation of how published content will appear and includes formatting buttons for bold, italic, strikethru, and more.
The far right button, Toolbar Toggle, shows an additional row of buttons. Highlight content and press a button to apply that style to the selection. Feel free to play around with these controls - you can’t break anything, and you can always delete or not save your expirements.

Text mode shows all the HTML code that controls layout, styles, media resources, etc.

WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)

WPBakery Page Builder allows you easily build any type of layout on any page. You can use two modes: Frontend Editor and Backend Editor.

It is an intuitive Drag and Drop WordPress editor and requires no coding skills.

Frontend editor allows you to Experience the true “What You See Is What You Get” and also quickly switch between different devices to check how your content looks on a tablet or mobile devices. Ensure that everything is according to design grid, fully responsive and meets your high expectations.

Backend editor allows you to quickly build any type of page with a simple and intuitive drag and drop interface right from your WordPress site dashboard.

More information and instructions about the WPBakery Page Builder can be found here.

Page templates


To select/change the page template of your page, go to Pages > All pages and open your page in Edit mode. Locate the Page attributes box that can be found on the right hand side of your Admin and select the desired page template from the drop down list and hit the Publish button.


Always check the Extra information panel when using a custom page template where you will find additional configuration options and filters.

view_array Page layouts

All custom page templates (except blank page) have a Sidebar selection setting, where you can select the page layout: No sidebars, right sidebar, left sidebar or dual sidebar (left and right).

The Book Your Travel theme comes with the following custom page templates:

  • Blank Page: perfect for use with the WPBakery Page Builder. It displays header and footer only and leaves everything else to you.
  • BYT Home page: useful for home page displays in conjuction with the specific widget areas (Home Content widget Area, Home Footer widget area).
  • Accommodation list: displays a list of accommodations.
  • Car rental list: displays a list of car rentals.
  • Cruise list: displays a list of cruises.
  • Tour list: displays a list of tours.
  • Location list: displays a list of locations.
  • Post list: displays a list of posts.
  • Custom Search Results: displays the search results page (works in conjuction with the Book Your Travel: Search widget).
  • Contact: displays the page with the contact form and the map.
  • Contact Form 7: displays the same layout as the one above, but it allows you to create your own contact form using the CF7 plugin.
  • Login Page: displays a custom login page.
  • Register Page: displays a custom register page.
  • Reset Password Page: displays a custom reset password page.
  • User Account Page: displays a page with user data that users can edit (first name, last name, email address, password).
  • User Submit Content: marketplace pages for users to submit accommodations, car rentals, cruises, tours - content, pricing and availability.
  • User Content List: marketplace pages for users to see and manage accommodations, car rentals, cruises, tours - content, pricing and availability.


Book Your travel theme supports a number of sidebars. Their usage is optional. They include the following:

  • Header sidebar: shows inside the header ribbon and is intended for language switchers.
  • Under header sidebar: shows under the header on every page.
  • Hero sidebar: shows under the header and the under header sidebar, yet above the content on all pages. It is intended for creating hero scenes.
  • Left sidebar: shows on the left side of the content.
  • Right sidebar: shows on the right side of the content.
  • Right accommodation sidebar: shows on the right side of a single accommodation page.
  • Right car rental sidebar:: shows on the right side of a single car rental page.
  • Right cruise sidebar: shows on the right side of a single cruise page.
  • Right tour sidebar: shows on the right side of single cruise page.
  • Home Content widget area: shows as content on pages that use the BYT Home Page template.
  • Home Footer widget area: shows between the content and the footer area on pages that use the BYT Home Page template. It also has its own styling options at Appearance > Customize > Widget Styles.
  • Above footer sidebar: shows above the footer on every page. It also has its own styling options at Appearance > Customize > Widget Styles.
  • Footer sidebar: for creating the website footer. It also has its own styling options at Appearance > Customize > Footer.

Sidebar layouts

All wide sidebars (under header, hero, home content, home footer, above footer, footer) allow you to set your own basic layout.

To set a desired sidebar layout, take the following steps:

  • Go to Admin > Appearance > Customize and click the Sidebars menu
  • Select the sidebar you want to edit
  • Select the desired column layout
Sidebar layouts


Book Your Travel includes a wide array of custom widgets in addition to the default WordPress widgets. All widgets are found in the Appearance > Widgets tab in your Admin.

There are various customization options and fields for each individual widget, and they are all self explanatory. You can put as many widgets as you want inside of a widget area.

How to add widgets to sidebars (widget areas)

  • Navigate to the Appearance > Widgets tab to access the list of widgets and widget areas. The left hand side shows all the widgets you can use. The right hand side shows all the different widget areas you can add widgets to.
  • Simply drag and drop the widget you'd like to add into your chosen widget area on the right hand side.
  • To rearrange widgets in a widget area, just drag and drop the widgets into the order you'd like.
  • Expand settings of the widget to see its settings and options.
  • When finished, make sure to click the Save button in the widget editing box to save your changes.

Book Your Travel custom widgets

  • Address Widget: is used to display the company details (name, email, phone number, address).
  • Home Feature Widget: displays a heading + text. It is useful for creating content blocks with highlighted content. When placed inside the Home Sidebar or Above footer sidebar sidebars, you can also style them differently via Appearance > Customize > Widget Styles.
  • Accommodation List Widget: displays a list of accommodations.
  • Car rental List Widget: displays a list of car rentals.
  • Cruise List Widget: displays a list of cruises.
  • Tour List Widget: displays a list of tours.
  • Location List Widget: displays a list of locations.
  • Post List Widget: displays a list of posts
  • Search Widget: displays the advanced search box

Custom widgets are also available as WPBakery Page Builder custom content blocks.

How to use Book Your Travel listings widgets

Accommodation/Car rental/Cruise/Tour/Location/Post List widgets come with a plethora of options. We will use the Accommodation List widget as an example here, however all other come with very similar settings.

Book Your Travel listings widgets

1. Widget layout

How many accommodations do you want to display?: the total amount of accommodations displayed within the widget.

How many accommodations do you want to display per row?: this setting creates the desired column layout.

Display mode?: choose to display content in list or grid mode.

Listings widget layout example

Listings widget layout example

2. Widget content

What do you want to sort the accommodations by?: Title, ID, Random, Publish date, Comment count.

Sort accommodations in descending order?: based on the above setting, you can reverse the order.

Show only featured accommodations?: display accommodation that have been marked as featured.

Accommodation type: display only accommodations that belong to chosen accommodation types (eg. hotels).

Accommodation tag: display only accommodations that belong to chosen accommodation tags (eg. beachfront).

3. Item display settings

Here you can set how the items within the list will be displayed and what content will be shown for each.

Widget styling options

At Appearance > Customize > Widget Styles you can adjust widget styles: backgrounds, colors, shadows etc.

Image settings


Generally speaking, image sizes will be unique to your own site setup. There is never a "perfect size" for all sites, it depends on many factors and is unique to each person's site.

Below is a general guide on how to gauge how big or small your images should be to fit your website, as well as to look crisp and high definition on your viewer's screens. The size of your images depend on multiple factors, such as your site width, sidebars, and sliders, among others.

Factors that influence Image sizes

  1. Website layout (width): Located the Appearance > Customize > General. You can choose between "Boxed", "Wide" and "Full screen". This setting allows you to set the overall width of your site, which can affect how big or small your images will be. This also affects your columns, which will affect any images you display inside them.
  2. Sidebars: You can set how many (if any) sidebars do you want to display on each individual page by choosing the desired layout from the Sidebar selection box. Using one or both (left/right) sidebars will greatly reduce the content space, which can greatly affect image sizes.
  3. Listing layouts: For all listings, you can set how many items do you want to display per row, which along with the options above, should be taken into consideration when setting your thumbnail sizes.

Image size guideliness

  1. Thumbnail size: is used for displaying thumbnails in accommodation, room, car rental, cruise, cabin, tour, location and post lists.
  2. Medium size: is recommend for content use
  3. Large size: is used inside the lightbox gallery for room/cabin lists
  4. Hero scenes: fully depend on the screen it's being viewed on. Because it's difficult to tell what screen your viewers are viewing your site on, it's best to use a general size that is big enough for all general screen sizes. As a guide, we use images that are at least 1600px wide.

Attachment display settings

Attachment display settings

When uploading an image into the page content, you'll find the 'Attachment Display Settings' section. This section affects how your images display on the page.

  • When you upload an image into the page content, the Media Library window will appear.
  • Select or upload your desired image. To the right side of the window, find the "Attachment Display Settings" section.
  • Under this section, you'll find the 'Size' option. Using this option, you can select which size to use when uploading an image. You can choose between Thumbnail, Medium, Large or Full Size.

Image optimization tips

Large, high definition images can have huge file sizes which will significantly affect your website's loading speed as well as your search engine rankings, so it’s critical to find a good balance between image quality and image file size when you save an image for your site.

1. Use JPGs whenever possible

Unless you need an image that can handle transparency. JPGs (also known as JPEGs) are the most popular file type for images on the web. JPGs are perfect for photographs, or complex images containing lots of colors, shadows, gradients, or complex patterns. JPGs handle these type of images well because JPGs have a huge color palette to work with. JPGs can also be saved in in high quality, low quality or anywhere in between. This allows you to adjust and save the image exactly how you want, balancing quality and file size.

2. Consider cropping

Trimming the visual fat kills two birds with one stone: your images will pack more visual punch and the filesize will come down too.

3. Saving images properly

As can be expected, large images take longer to load. When we say large, we’re referring to file size rather than the dimensions of an image, i.e. the value in KB, MB, GB etc.

Besides Adobe Photoshop for offline use, consider Pixelmator on the Mac or IrfanView on Windows. You can even use the default Preview and Paint programs for Mac and PC respectively.

You must open the image in your chosen software and view it at a 100%. This allows you to view the image at the exact size it will be displayed on a computer monitor when you save the image for web. It’s possible to reduce the file size without significantly reducing the quality of your images by using the "Save for Web" option.

4. Consider using image compression

Image compression plugins allow you to easily optimize images in WordPress for better speed and performance. A comparison of image compression plugins can be found here.

Translation basics

internationalization and localization are terms used to describe the effort to make WordPress available in languages other than English for people from different locales. The actual localization is done using the GNU gettext framework, which is used by WordPress itself including the themes and plugins.

Translation basics

Book Your Travel is ready for localization via .po/.mo files, and works with the WPML plugin.

If you are not familiar with translating Wordpress themes, we recommend you read this codex page:

Translating WordPress or Book Your Travel theme

Before you do anything else: Go to Dashboard > Settings > General, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select your website language from the Site language field.

Translating with POEdit

To download POEdit, follow this link. Pro version is NOT required.

  • Open the languages/BookYourTravel.pot in POEdit by selecting the Create New Translation button. Once it has loaded, You will find all English text strings in the left column called Source Text. Once you add translations, they will show up in the right column under Translation.
  • Choose the line you want to translate. In the lower right section of the POEdit window, you will find a text area where you can add the correct translation.
  • When you are done translating all the needed text strings into your desired language, save the file with your language code, for example, if you were translating to the German language, you would save it as de_DE.po. The corresponding .mo file will be automatically created then copy both files to the languages folder.
Create new translation in poedit
Open BookYourTravel.pot file
Select your language

Poedit translation screen

Where to upload these files?

There are 2 options:

1. In the theme folder:

You can place your .mo and .po files inside the languages folder that is located inside the theme: wp-content/themes/BookYourTravel/languages.

Note that you will have to always create a backup of these files before updating the theme. This folder will get deleted during the automatic theme update.

2. In the wp-content folder:

Placing the files inside wp-content/languages/themes is the recommended method, because this folder will not get affected during a theme upgrade.

However, in this case, you will have to name your .mo and .po files differently. They must be called and bookyourtravel-de_DE.po in order to take effect.

If you do not have a folder called languages inside the wp-content folder, simply create one. The same goes for the "themes" folder that must be located inside.

Translating with WPML

Book Your Travel theme was tested with WPML plugin and is fully compatible. If you want to have multilingual website, this is the best way to do it. If you want to use this plugin, you must purchase it first and then install into your wordpress installation. If you’ve purchased WPML and have any questions or issues, please check the links below.

Click Here To Buy WPML Plugin

Using RTL languages

Using RTL languages

Book Your Travel supports RTL (Right-to-Left) languages with no extra coding required.

A RTL stylesheet is build directly into the theme and you can enable it with one click by going to Appearance > Theme Options > Configuration settings.

Change a single keyword


Do not use this method to translate your website. This is only useful if you want to quickly edit a keyword or two, when not translating your website.

The best way to change keywords is to make a translation with POEdit as described above.

But when you want to change only a few keywords a faster solution might be desired. This is where the Say What? WordPress plugin comes in handy. Simply enter the current string, and what you want to replace it with and the plugin will automatically do the rest.

Once activated, go to Tools > Text changes in your Admin and click the Add New button at the top of the page.

Original string - This field is for the text you are attempting to change. If you want to change the "Item Name" text string, so that is exactly what you would enter into the field. Note: This field is case-sensitive. That means you must enter the text exactly as it is displayed. "Item Name" and "item name" are not the same text string.

Text domain - Use bookyourtravel

Text context - Leave blank

Replacement string - The text you place in the Original string field will be replaced by whatever you put in this field.


WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform on the web. If you intend to collect online payments for bookings WooCommerce must be installed and activated.

You can install it via Appearance > Install Plugins.

Once you install and activate the Woocommerce plugin, please go to Appearance > Theme Options > WooCommerce integration and make sure that the Use WooCommerce for checkout option is checked.

In addition, you can also use WooCommerce for a regular eCommerce (shop) functionality, in conjunction with Book Your Travel bookings or as a standalone shop.

WooCommerce Currency Switcher

The BookYourTravel theme is compatible with the WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin, the most popular currency conversion plugin for WooCommerce in the WordPress plugin repository.

To install the plugin search for it via Plugins > Add New. Install and activate the plugin and then proceed to configure it via WooCommerce > Settings > Currency.

Please note that WooCommerce as well as the WooCommerce integration setting in Appearance > Theme options > WooCommerce Integration must be enabled for this plugin to be used with the theme.

WooCommerce Multilingual

The BookYourTravel theme is also compatible with the WooCommerce Multilingual plugin when used in combination with the WPML plugin.

After you install and activate the plugin, you can also use it's currency switcher feature. It can be configured via WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual > Multi-currency.

Please note that the WooCommerce Multilingual plugin currency switcher has precendence over the WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin and the two should not be used together.

Slider Revolution


Some plugins may ask for a purchase code for registration/activation once installed, however, you can simply ignore these messages as bundled plugins DO NOT require activation or registration. The plugin will still work as intended.

Book Your Travel includes the popular Slider Revolution by ThemePunch. This slider is a beautifully animated slider that is 100% responsive and has some amazing options.

Envato Market

Insert Envato Market Token

The Envato Market WordPress Plugin delivers a smooth update experience to your Admin by connecting with the Envato Market API using a secure OAuth personal token.

Once you install and activate the plugin, go to Admin > Envato Market and insert your Envato API Personal Token.

You can generate your personal token here.

Contact Form 7


The Contact Form 7 plugin is not required by the theme and can cause a significant decrease your website's loading speed, so please use it at your own discretion.

Contact Form 7 is one of the most used free contact form plugins. It can manage multiple contact forms, plus you can customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup. The form supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.

Max Mega Menu

Max Mega Menu is a complete menu management plugin, perfect for taking control of your existing menu and turning it into a user-friendly, accessible and touch ready menu with just a few clicks. It can automatically convert your existing menu or menus into a mega menu. You can then add any WordPress widget to your menu, restyle your menu using the theme editor and change the menu behaviour using the built in settings.

WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Introduction

WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) is a unique plugin, it will help you manage your content at the WordPress sites and create stunning layouts in few minutes without coding.

In Book Your Travel Version 8.0, we have added Visual Composer for those who prefer working with this plugin. To activate the VC plugin following theme installation, go to Appearance > Install Plugins section, install it, and activate it. The plugin will then be ready to use.

To enable the plugin for all content (accommodations, tours, car rentals & cruises) in addition to regular posts and pages, go to WPBakery Page Builder > Role manager, select "Custom" and enable the editor for all desired content types.

How to use WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer)

In the create/edit page above the WordPress editor you will see two large, blue buttons called Backend Editor and Frontend Editor. These are exactly what you need to build content within Visual Composer.

To explore the capabilities of Visual Composer, we recommend you study the documentation and watch the video below:

Video Tutorial

How to work with Elementor

Elementor is a visual website builder plugin for WordPress enabling the creation of web pages in a live, visual way.

This step-by-step guide walks you through how to use Elementor. You can find more information and tutorials here.

Happy editing!

Enable Elementor for Accommodations, Tours, Car rentals, Cruises and Locations

To do so, go to Elementor > Settings and tick the checkbox for the post types you wish to use Elementor with.

Elementor templates

You will find custom Elementor templates in the SampleData > Elementor folder.

These templates can be imported individually, or in bulk, regardless of your existing content.

How to Import Templates

  • Go to Templates > Saved Templates
  • Click the Import Templates button
  • Choose the file you want to import and click the Import Now button
  • Your imported template will now be displayed in your Templates list

Elementor troubleshooting

Layout is messed up / not wide

Make sure that the page template is set to Elementor Full Width.

I do not see a slider / hero scene

Make sure to set display page IDs inside the widget settings at Appearance > Widgets

I cannot edit a page with Elementor

Not all theme page templates (ie. login, register, search results page) can be edited with page builders. In that case swap to an Elementor Full Width page template and design it as you like.

Receiving errors?

If you are experiencing problems using Elementor, try these troubleshooting steps.

General WordPress settings

WordPress general settings control some of the most basic configuration settings for your site: your site's title and location, who may register an account at your site, and how dates and times are calculated and displayed.

Site title

Enter the name of your site (or blog) here. Most themes will display this title, at the top of every page, and in the reader's browser titlebar. WordPress also uses this title as the identifying name for your Syndication feeds.


In a few words, explain what your site is about. Your sites's slogan, or tagline, might be entered here. A tagline is short phrase, or sentence, used to convey the essence of the site and is often funny or eye-catching.

WordPress Address (URL)

Enter the full URL of the directory containing your WordPress core application files (e.g., wp-config.php, wp-admin, wp-content, and wp-includes). For example, if you installed WordPress into a directory called "blog", then the WordPress address would be (where is your domain). If you installed WordPress into your web root, this address will be the root URL WordPress will trim a slash (/) from the end. If you defined the WP_SITEURL constant in your wp-config.php file, that value will appear in this field and you will not be able to make changes to it from the WordPress administration screen.

Site Address (URL)

Enter the address you want people to type in their browser to reach your WordPress site. This is the directory where WordPress's main index.php file is installed. The Site address (URL) is identical to the WordPress address (URL) (above) unless you are giving WordPress its own directory. WordPress will trim a slash (/) from the end. If you defined the WP_HOME constant in your wp-config.php file, that value will appear in this field and you will not be able to make changes to it from the WordPress administration screen.

E-mail Address

Enter the e-mail address to which you want WordPress to send messages regarding the administration and maintenance of your WordPress site. For example, if you allow new users to register as a member of your site (see Membership below), then a notification will be sent through e-mail to this address. In addition, if the option, An administrator must always approve the comment, is set in Administration > Settings > Discussion, this e-mail address will receive notification that the comment is being held for moderation. Please note this is different than the address you supplied for the admin user account; the admin account e-mail address is sent an e-mail only when someone submits a comment to a post by admin. The address you enter here will never be displayed on the site. You can send messages to multiple admins by using an email address which forwards email to multiple recipients.


Anyone can register - Check this checkbox if you want anyone to be able to register an account on your site.

New User Default Role

This pull-down box allows you to select the default Role that is assigned to new users. This Default Role will be assigned to newly registered members or users added via the Administration > Users > Users Screen. Valid choices are Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber.


From the pulldown box, choose a city in the same timezone as you. For example, under America, select New York if you reside in the Eastern Timezone of the United States that honors daylight savings times. If you can't identify a city in your timezone, select one of the Etc GMT settings that represents the number of hours by which your time differs from Greenwich Mean Time. Click the Save Changes button and the UTC time and "Local time" will display to confirm the correct Timezone was selected.

Date Format

The format in which to display dates on your site. The Date Format setting is intended to be used by theme designers in displaying dates on your site, but does not control how the date is displayed in the Administrative Screens (e.g. Manage Posts). Click the Save Changes button and the "Output" example below will show the current date in the format entered. See Formatting Date and Time for some of the formats available.

Time Format

The format in which to display times on your site. The Time Format setting is intended to be used by theme designers in displaying time on your site, but does not control how the time is displayed in the Administrative Screens (e.g. Write Post edit of timestamp). Click the Save Changes button and the "Output" example below will show the current time in the format entered. See Formatting Date and Time for some of the formats available.

Week Starts On

Select your preferred start date for WordPress calendars from the drop-down box. Monday is the default setting for this drop-down, meaning a monthly calendar will show Monday in the first column. If you want your calendar to show Sunday as the first column, then select Sunday from the drop-down.

Site Language

The Admin language.

Theme updates

The Envato Market WordPress Plugin delivers a smooth update experience to your Admin by connecting with the Envato Market API using a secure OAuth personal token.


1. All your data is safe because theme file updates do not change anything in the database. It is still recommended to always make a backup of your files and database prior to updating.

2. Always keep your customizations stored in a child theme.

3. If your translation files are stored inside the /languages folder that is located inside the theme (eg. wp-content/themes/BookYourTravel/languages), make sure to backup these files before updating.

4. Please also always check for available database upgrades afterwards via Appearance > Theme Options > Database.

Update in WordPress dashboard

The Envato Market Plugin that is bundled with the theme lets you install and update directly from your dashboard.

You can find more information about the plugin here.

Once you install and activate the plugin navigate to Dashboard > Envato Market.

You will need to configure the plugin by adding an Envato API Personal Token. Click the suggested link in the instructions to generate a personal token.

Scroll down on the page with all the required permissions selected and click on Create Token at the end of the page.

Make sure you only enable the required permissions including:

  • View and search Envato sites
  • Download your purchased items
  • List purchases you’ve made

See the screenshot below for enabling the required permissions.

You can either use a Global OAuth Personal Token or a Single Use OAuth Personal Tokens.The difference is clearly explained on the page.

You will see a success page with an option to copy your secret token key. Copy the key and confirm that you have copied the key from the page.

Enter the Envato API Secret token key and click on Save Changes.

You should now see all of your purchased WordPress themes from your ThemeForest account.

Click on Install Now to install any of your purchased WordPress themes from your ThemeForest account.

Manual update via ftp

The following steps outline how you should upgrade the BookYourTravel theme:

  • Put your WordPress website into maintenance mode. You can do so either
    a) by using a plugin or
    b) by uploading an empty file called .maintenance to the root folder (where WordPress is installed) like described here
  • Delete all files and directories inside BookYourTravel theme folder (usually this is wp-content/themes/BookYourTravel)
  • Unzip the new file (found inside the big zip file downloaded from ThemeForest) and upload all files and directories from the zip to server into above mentioned BookYourTravel theme directory.
  • Put site out of maintenance mode (either delete .maintenance file or switch off maintenance via plugin if plugin was used).
  • Browse to admin and check that everything is ok.
  • Check theme settings - switch off/on new features etc.

Plugin updates

To update your plugins, go to the Appearance > Installed plugins section of your administration panel once you get notified there is an update available.

To update your plugins, select them and click on the Update Plugins button.

Basic troubleshooting

Theme is missing the style.css stylesheet error
The reason you may receive this error is if you have uploaded the incorrect file. Make sure to upload the Book Your file (and not the Book Your file!)

Are You Sure You Want To Do This?
If you get this message when installing the theme via WordPress, it means you have an upload file size limit that is set by your host. If this happens, please install the theme via FTP or contact your hosting company and ask them to increase the limit.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'global' (T_GLOBAL) on line 1
Your ftp client has jumbled php files. To prevent this in the future, you must always upload php files in Binary transfer mode (any code files, not just our theme).
To fix this, if for example using FileZilla, please go to BookYourTravel > Transfer Mode > select Binary and then upload all theme files again.

If you require technical assistance please open a new ticket at our support center. We are happy to help.


Book Your Travel WordPress theme comes with GDPR tools that help you get compliant with the EU GDPR law. When you enable this setting you add the standard checkbox agreement field to contact, reservation, inquiry and reservation forms for compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation.

Enable GDPR

Export & Erase user data

Always required: This checkbox will always be required, and there is no setting option to remove the requirement.

No option to check by default: GDPR requires that a consent box cannot be checked by default. Instead, the user must be allowed to choose whether to check the box.

Only a single checkbox: There is no way to add additional checkbox options to this field.

In addition, users who have created an account on your website can request an account deletion or personal data export. Both actions send a notification to the website administrator who can then perform these tasks within the WordPress dashboard, specifically Admin > Tools..

Child themes


While child themes are a great way to add custom changes to any WordPress theme, there are generally used to customize core code from the parent theme.

Because of this, please be aware that customizations of this nature fall outside our scope of support and we will be unable to assist you with issues that may arise from it.

We recommend you create a child theme to customize html, css, js and php of the Book Your Travel WordPress Theme. This will allow you to overwrite the parent (original) theme with upgrades whenever upgrades are released and NOT lose any custom code you have written.

A child theme is a theme that has all the functionality and styling of another theme called the parent theme, which in our case, is the Book Your Travel theme. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying the code of an existing theme because a child theme preserves all custom code changes and modifications even after a theme update. If you modify code directly from a parent theme, then update the parent theme, your changes will be lost. Always use a child theme if you are modifying core code. Child themes can also be used for a number of things, such as custom CSS applications, template file modifications, and custom PHP functions and/or hooks. There are a couple of methods to modify a child theme. Child themes don’t guarantee that an update of custom code on the parent theme will not require further maintenance. This is especially true if you copy files from the parent theme to your child theme.

There is also a ready to use child theme provided and can be found in the ChildTheme folder.

Activate the child theme

Log in to your site's dashboard, and go to Appearance > Themes. You will see your child theme listed there. Click Activate.

To learn more about child themes please visit the WordPress child theme codex.

				 Theme Name:   		Book Your TravelChild
				 Theme URI:
				 Description:    	Book Your Travel Child Theme
				 Author:           	John Doe
				 Author URI:
				 Template:      	Book Your Travel
				 Version:        	1.0.0

				/* =Theme customization starts here
				-------------------------------------------------------------- */

You can change each of the above lines to suit your theme. The only required lines are the Theme Name, and the Template. Template is the directory name of the parent theme.

Note: The child theme's stylesheet is included after the parent theme's and styles will therefore override those in the parent theme's stylesheet.

Theme customization

You can request custom work here.

Sometimes you may occasionally encounter a moment when you want to change something on your site that is not available in theme options panel. , e.g., font size, color, margin, or some other customization. We are happy to help with such changes, however you don`t have to contact us and wait for a response, you can easily do it on your own.

To do so, you can use a free, highly useful tool that is available on your web browser. If you`re using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox you can inspect element that you need to change by "Inspect element". Simply hover your mouse on the element and click "Inspect element". After that, you`ll see something like the image below.

As you can see, on the left side there is a list of styles used for each class/id. If you want to change something, you can edit it on the screen and see what the elements will look like. If everything looks good, and you want to make the same changes on your site, just copy the corrected styles from the box on the side, for example:

Theme customization

						.cta p {
							color: #fff;
							font-size: 20px;

and paste this code into: Dashboard > Customize > Custom CSS.


Please note that while we receive a small commission if you choose one of the companies below, our recommendation is based on the quality of their products and is not based on compensation.

Here are some hosting options we can recommend:

1. Cloudways

Cloudways is one of the leading managed cloud-based hosting platforms that specialize in WordPress & WooCommerce Hosting for freelancers, bloggers, designers, developers, e-commerce stores, and digital agencies.

Here are some of the key features that Cloudways offers to its customers:

  • Renowned Cloud Providers
  • Dedicated Server Resources
  • Multiple Applications
  • Unlimited Applications on a Single Server
  • 60+ Global Data-centers
  • 1-click Free SSL Certificate
  • Optimized Hosting Stack
  • Multiple Layer Security
  • Server & Application Cloning
  • Server & Application Monitoring
  • Staging Environment
  • Custom Varnish Rules

2. Bluehost

Bluehost performance is top-notch. Bluehost has fast and reliable servers, so you can be sure your website will load fast and will always be accessible.

Bluehost makes it easy and quick to get a website up and running and is ideal for beginners and pros alike.

In a nutshell, Bluehost is a dependable and budget-friendly web host:

  • Easy step-by-step set up
  • Free Domain Name for 1st Year
  • Free 24/7 lifetime support
  • WordPress total design freedom
  • Free SSL
  • Malware detection
  • Automated security updates

3. KnownHost

KnownHost provides excellent high-end hosting with its managed VPS and managed dedicated server plans.

The provider doesn’t heavily market its services. However, user-generated KnownHost reviews reveal excellent customer satisfaction.

While this might sound very high-end, the prices are reasonable for the features you get.

If quality matters more to you than cost, you should check out KnownHost.


Inside your theme files, you will find a changelog.txt file which is regularly updated. There you will find a list of all modifications that were made as-well as a list of all files that were modified per each theme update.

Public changelog can be seen here

Update instructions for existing users

Thank you very much for reading this section. Following these instructions will ensure that things will run as smoothly as possible.

  1. Temporarily deactivate your child theme (if using)
  2. Update your Book Your Travel theme
  3. Check for database upgrades
  4. Color schemes are no longer in use
  5. Automatically generated custom post type excerpts are no longer in use
  6. Theme Options > Page settings have changed
  7. Use the new search box builder for hero scenes
  8. Set your media settings
  9. Car rental locations update
  10. Car rental availability
  11. Adjust page layouts for list pages

1. Temporarily deactivate your child theme (if using)

Please disable your child theme for the following reasons:

a) Plenty of new features have been added, so it is highly likely that you will now be able to achieve the same result with the default settings within the theme, so code customizations might not be needed anymore.

b) If your child theme still is needed, it is imperative that the files you are using get updated as-well. If you have copied files from the parent theme to your child theme and made changes, please make sure that you update these files and reapply your changes.

2. Update your Book Your Travel theme by following these steps:


It is still recommended to always make a backup of your files and database prior to updating.

  • Put your WordPress website into maintenance mode. You can do so either
    a) by using a plugin or
    b) by uploading an empty file called .maintenance to the root folder (where WordPress is installed) like described here
  • Delete all files and directories inside Book Your Travel theme folder (usually this is wp-content/themes/Book Your Travel)
  • Unzip the new Book Your file (found inside the big zip file downloaded from ThemeForest) and upload all files and directories from the zip to server into above mentioned Book Your Travel theme directory.
  • Put site out of maintenance mode (either delete .maintenance file or switch off maintenance via plugin if plugin was used).
  • Browse to admin and check that everything is ok.
  • Check theme settings - switch off/on new features etc.

This is the last time manual upgrade is needed. Envato Market WordPress Plugin has been added now, which will allow you to receive updated directly to your Admin. More information can be found here.

Database upgrades
3. Check for database upgrades

Go to Admin > Appearance > Theme Options > Database Upgrades

If you see a screen like the one on the right, make sure to update your database by clicking the "Click here to upgrade" button.

4. Color schemes are no longer in use

You will now find all styling options within the Live Customizer. You can reach it via Admin > Appearance > Customize

WordPress Live Customizer

In addition, if you have been using custom styles within the Additional CSS field or in your child theme, comment out/deactivate them for now and try using the native theme features first.

A list of all old hex color codes:

Black - light: #333333 dark: #222222
Blue - light: #5BB5C8 dark: #3EA5BB
Navy - light: #113C9D dark: #0E3083
Orange - light: #F77515 dark: #F26B09
Pink - light: #E85B93 dark: #E43D80
Purple - light: #7D5DAF dark: #644891
Strawberry - light: #BB3E3E dark: #9F3535
Yellow - light: #ffc400 dark: #ffc107

A great place to find free background patterns: SubtlePatterns

5. Automatically generated custom post type excerpts are no longer in use

A lot of customers have requested having freedom when it comes to excerpts, so you can now insert your own. Please note that excepts in lists and in the right sidebar on single custom post type pages will appear empty until you insert some content into the Short description field of an accommodation, car rental, cruise, tour and/or location.

You can find it inside the Content tab inside the Extra information panel when editing your accommodation, car rental, cruise, tour and/or location.

Short description

You can also use icons here:

Short description with icons

Available icons can be found here. Click on the desired icon and then click the "Selected icon" on the bottom left side of the screen. Copy the code (the part you see outlined in the image below) and paste it into your short description field (make sure you are using the text editor).

Google Material Icons

6. Theme Options > Page settings have changed

Page settings are now implicit, which means that setting the specialty pages by selecting them from the drop down lists is no longer required.

However, some of the settings have simply been moved, so if you were using them in the past, please check the following settings in the Extra information panel that is located on the bottom of each page.

Page to redirect to after login setting is now located inside the actual login page. Go to Pages > All pages and open your Login page in edit mode. Scroll down to the Extra information panel and adjust settings.

Login, Register, Reset password, User Submit Content and User Content List templates have now a setting called Is partner page? which needs to be used in order to distinguish pages for partners from the regular user pages. It is also used for displaying the correct navigation menu on these pages. More information can be found here.

Login, register and contact pages also have an option to display Google reCaptcha for better security and spam prevention. This feature requires the Google API key. For further instructions, please go here.

Please also make sure that you update all of your marketplace pages for partners and enable Is partner page?.

7. Use the new search box builder for hero scenes

Until now, the home page hero scene was set by choosing the slider via Appearance > Theme Options > Page settings and the search box was meant to be placed in the Home Content Widget Area.

Now, a special widget area, called Hero sidebar is available where you can place your desired slider and build your own custom search box.

You can have it on your home page, on all pages, on only specific pages and you can also display different sliders and search boxes per page(s).

More information on creating hero scenes can be found here.

8. Set your media settings

In order to maximize website performance and SEO rankings, we have implemented a way for you to set your own image sizes that would look crisp while still loading as fast as possible.

To set image sizes up, go to Settings > Media.

Please note that these new image sizes will affect only images you upload after the setting has been set. For rebuilding your previous images, you would need to regenerate image sizes. We recommend using AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild, because it allows you to select what images you want to rebuild without overwhelming your server configuration and the computing power your server has available. Alternatively, you can use Regenerate thumbnails plugin to do it all at once.

Further instructions for image optimization can be found in this section.

9. Car rental locations update

In order to be able to create pick up and drop off locations for car rentals, we had to change the location select box to a checkbox selection. Now your vehicles can belong to several locations, but you need to update the content of your vehicles first.

10. Car rental availability

You can now create seasonal rates for your car rentals via Car rentals > Availability.

11. Adjust page layouts for list pages

Accommodation list, Tour list, Car rental list, Cruise list, Location list, Blog post list, Search results page all now have individual style options.

Open these pages in edit mode, adjust items per row, item display and sidebar layout.

For taxonomy pages (type, tag etc.) pages, you can do so via Appearance > Theme Options > Page settings.